Wichtiger Hinweis
Städt. Integrative learning center Junkersstraße 1
Stand: 24.02.2025
The integrative mixed-age learning center is a daycare facility for children and young people of primary and secondary school age up to 18 years. There are 48 places, 12 of which are integrative.
The municipal learning centers offer children and young people and their families holistic education, individual support and integration as well as advice on special challenges and questions.
Bruck district, near the "Brucker Lache" forest area, near "Adlerwiese" and the Bruck adventure playground, schools: Brucker Lache elementary school, Ottfried Preußler special school, Werner von Siemens secondary school, Ernst-Penzoldt secondary school in Spardorf, various grammar schools in Erlangen.
The integrative mixed-age learning center Junkersstraße 1 has a special mixed group concept. Since 09/2023, the middle group, known as the "Zweihorn Group", has consisted of 6 primary school children from Year 2 and 3 and 10 young people from Year 5 to 7. In this group, it is important that the children and young people benefit from targeted activities, such as joint excursions, joint final rounds and joint play afternoons, as well as support in everyday life, including the tutoring principle and joint help with homework. The little ones benefit from the older ones and vice versa. There is an open homework principle, which means that the children and young people decide independently when and how homework and learning time is completed during the day.
Furthermore, care is taken to ensure that there are age-separated side rooms that have been designed in a participatory manner with the children and young people; here, too, the co-determination and self-efficacy of the children and young people is important so that the children and young people feel that they are taken seriously as individuals and equal co-creators.
The Integrative Lernstube Junkersstraße 1 is located in a mixed-use building. This building contains four facilities of the Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office on the first floor and second floor as well as several private apartments above, each with separate entrances.
First floor
The ground floor houses the Family Education Center (FapE) for parents with children aged 0 - 3 years, the Open Youth Social Work (OJSA) for young people aged 12 - 27 years and one of the two youth groups of the Integrative Learning Center.
The transition to the open youth social work is open, the corridor and the sanitary facilities are shared. The foyer of the OJSA can be used by the young people from the Integrative Learning Center at any time.
The basic idea behind the room concept is to work closely with the OJSA in order to design transitions within the framework of the developmental stage and as part of the education and prevention chain of the city of Erlangen.
There is a large kitchen on the ground floor where cooking is done for the integrative learning and playroom on the second floor.
On the first floor there is also a large hall (multi-purpose room), a meeting room, a staff room and one of a total of two therapy rooms, which are shared by all the facilities in the building.
Second floor
On the second floor is the playroom for children from 3 years to school age and the other two groups of the integrative learning room.
The primary school group has a main group room with a kitchenette, a quiet room and two adjoining group rooms. The playroom rooms are adjacent to the play corridor of the primary school group, separated by a lockable door. This makes it possible to open up the space to create transitions as well as to run the day-to-day operations independently of each other.
A main group room with kitchenette and two adjoining rooms are also available for the youth group. The rooms in the youth area and a small play corridor are separated from the primary school group by a door to the shared corridor.
There is also an exercise room, a workroom and sanitary facilities for all groups in the integrative learning room, as well as an office for all learning room staff.
The premises are barrier-free.
At our facility, the focus of our pedagogy is on promoting social and emotional development, among other things.
This is the basis for our everyday pedagogical work, which is characterized by the unconditional acceptance of each individual and the emphatic and emotional atmosphere in the team, individually and as a whole, which is reflected in the humorous, loving and creative interaction.
The aim is for the children and young people to enjoy their visit to the Lernstuben, to have fun and a lasting sense of purpose, and to feel at ease. We want the children and young people to feel cared for and understood, and for the Lernstube to become a place where young people are taken seriously and accepted for their wishes, abilities, inclinations and activities.
It is important to us that the interests and support of the children and young people are taken into account. The basis of the children's education is the willingness to accept the child's personal characteristics and to fulfill their basic needs.
It is important to us that the individual personality of each child is taken as the yardstick for their actions.
We want to teach our children and young people practical life skills, show them how to act, demonstrate social skills, practise the appropriate practical implementation and thus improve their life skills. Our socially and socially disadvantaged families need equal opportunities and support on their way to leading an equal life and new opportunities for action that give them freedom of choice. Sometimes this leads them to go beyond the structure and work of the learning center and to use a wide range of personal resources. Our team carries, holds and supports each team member and thus provides a fruitful, loyal, critical and respectful basis for educators without boundaries with a healthy error culture in which we are constantly growing and learning.
The general and fundamental goal is to support and promote the development of the personality. We want to give young people guidance and developmental support so that they can develop into independent personalities.
Children and young people should be supported in coping with their current life situation and at the same time acquire skills that will enable them to cope with future life situations. The overarching educational goals listed below, with which the child's competence to act is expanded, should by no means be viewed in isolation. Rather, it is about supporting the overall personality of the child and young person in terms of holistic development. Our children and young people should be given the motivation, courage and drive to change their life situation using their own resources if they have the desire to do so.
Our educational work is based on the special life situations of the children and young people, i.e. their experiences and everyday experiences, their individual needs and social conditions. The situations that are important for the child and young person are addressed and dealt with by the teachers. This approach offers us the opportunity to combine social, emotional and cognitive learning in line with our objectives.
In accordance with our aim of promoting the development of young people into independent personalities, children and young people are given a high degree of freedom to choose the specific form of the activities on offer and the free time they have. They are not forced to take part in any activity. The teachers try to motivate the children and young people. Only if a child refuses to participate on a permanent basis is it necessary to consider what problems the child or young person is experiencing in order to intervene in a targeted and pedagogically effective manner.
Observations, our own experiences, acquisitions and reflections within the team have confirmed that these children and young people in particular need more motivational work. We take them by the pedagogical and benevolent hand and stand by their side for part of their journey
Opening hours ( LST)
School time: Monday to Friday 11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Vacation time: Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
The Integrative Lernstube is open from Monday to Friday from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm.
The children and young people come to the Integrative Lernstube directly after school on their own.
The children in the primary school group are usually picked up, the teenagers go home on their own.
During the vacations, separate, individual opening hours apply depending on the program; however, the Integrative Lernstube is open at least 6 hours a day.
The Integrative Lernstube has 30 closing days. Of these, 3 weeks usually fall during the summer vacations and 2 weeks during the Christmas vacations. The remaining closing days are distributed individually throughout the year. The closing days of the primary school group may differ from those of the youth group. Closing times may also vary within the groups.
You can register for a daycare center in the city of Erlangen via the Kitafinder portal: kitafinder.erlangen.de
If you have any questions about the Kitafinder portal, the answers to the FAQ Kitafinder will certainly help you.
Junkersstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen