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Medical city

Stand: 28.05.2024

With the self-declared goal of becoming the "medical capital of Germany", Erlangen is becoming increasingly important as a medical and healthcare city. The city's almost unique expertise in this sector is continuously being strengthened and awareness of it is increasing. 23,000 people (including social services) work in the healthcare sector, i.e. around one in five of the 115,000 people in employment (including the self-employed and civil servants) work in this field. Siemens Healthineers GmbH, based in Erlangen, is one of the world's largest suppliers of medical technology.

Erlangen is home to Medical Valley EMN, a leading international medical technology cluster. An integral part of this is the medical technology innovation and start-up center, which aims to successfully network science, research and industry and provide an optimal basis for medical start-ups.

found, Business incubator, Innovation, Technology, Network

Medical Valley Center (MVC)

Aerial view_Uniklink-Erlangen
Clinic, Medicine, Head clinic, University Hospital

University Hospital