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New daycare center opens

Stand: 04.07.2024

In future, there will be a daycare center with 32 kindergarten and 32 after-school care places in Stintzingstraße.

As part of the completion of the Jaminpark neighborhood development, representatives of the residential construction company Dawonia and the city of Erlangen opened the new daycare facility "HAUS FÜR KINDER, Stintzing 1" last week. As part of the residential quarter, a four-group daycare center with a usable area of 1,117 square meters will be available in the future. It offers space for 32 kindergarten and 32 after-school care places, eight of which are integrative. Once the quarter is completed, eight new playgrounds will also be available for the tenant families.

Lord Mayor Florian Janik: "Erlangen needs more affordable housing. And livable neighborhoods need a good social infrastructure. The new house for children with its integrative approach is a successful example of this."

Dawonia has been building around 650 new apartments between Stintzing-, Nürnberger- and Paul-Gossen-Straße since 2017. Of these, 25 percent are subsidized by the state - tenants receive a rent subsidy depending on their income level (so-called EOF apartments). The apartments are being built in an energy-efficient and climate-friendly manner, mostly using timber hybrid construction. In addition, 27 existing buildings have already been extensively modernized to bring them up to a contemporary standard.

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Everything you need to know about childcare and daycare centers in Erlangen. Registration and pre-registration for daycare facilities. And an overview of kindergartens, after-school care centers and co.

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Parents & children

Here you will find all the information and services you need on topics such as education, parenting, family and childcare or crises.