Father carries twins through field.

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Parents & Children

Here you will find up-to-date information on topics such as parenting, education, childcare, school and family life. You will also find extensive advice services for parents and children and an overview of the offers and services for parents and families in Erlangen. The aim is to provide answers to all your questions and to give you the best possible support in every situation.

Advice and support

Mother with 2 children on climbing frame
Youth welfare office, City Youth Welfare Office, Support, Families, Children, Teenagers, Consulting, Aids, Supporting families, Childcare, Child protection, Contact Youth Welfare Office, Family problems, Offers Youth Welfare Office

Erlangen Youth Welfare Office offers a wide range of support

The Youth Welfare Office of the City of Erlangen - also known as the Erlangen Youth Welfare Office - is the point of contact for all children, young people and families living in Erlangen.

Woman ponders
Emergency, Emergency situation, Crisis, Advice in an emergency, Help crisis, Consulting, Emergency number, Crisis hotline

Important telephone numbers for emergencies and crises

Do you urgently need advice in a crisis situation? You can call here.

Thoughtful girl

General social services

The General Social Service will work with you to find solutions.

Youth and family counseling logo
Consulting, Family counseling, Educational counseling, Couples counseling, Separation, Divorce, Children, Teenagers, Young adults, Education, Development, Support, Help, Crisis, School problems, Learning difficulties, Problems, Relationship, Relationship problems, Mediation, Conversations with parents, Courses for parents, Accompanied contact, Domestic violence, Sexualized violence, Abuse, Assaults, Child welfare, Child protection, Diagnostics for reading and spelling difficulties, Dyscalculia, Mental illness, Load

Youth and family counseling

The Youth and Family Counseling Center offers psychological, educational and therapeutic support for individuals, couples, families, educational professionals or teams in a protected environment.

Mother with baby

Early help coordination center (KoKi)

Advice and support for expectant parents, single parents and families with children aged 0 - 3 in the city of Erlangen

Mothers playing with children
Family education, Anger, Büchenbach, Baby, Family, Violence, Help, FapE, FaPE, Family education facilities, Mother child meeting, Isar 12, GoWi 27, Junkers 1, Goldwitzerstrasse 27, Junkersstr. 1, Isarstrasse 12, Children, Infant, Contacts, Mother, Open meeting, Problems, Baby cries, Parents, Education, Infant, Early education, Help family

Family education facilities

There are three family education centers for families with babies and toddlers in Erlangen: in the districts of Anger, Bruck and Büchenbach.

Consulting services, Contact points for single parents, Support for single parents, Help and advice for single parents, Contact points, Support services, Support, Single-parent families, Single-parent families, Single parents, Counseling centers, Open meeting, Initial consultation, Separation, Regulars' table for single parents, Childcare, Edge time support, Exchange meetings, Aids, Crisis situations Single parents, Single parents

Advice and help for single parents

Single parents and single-parent families often find themselves in particularly stressful situations. In Erlangen, there are special contact points as well as advice and support services tailored to the needs of single parents. You can find an overview here.

Discussion group
Family education, Parent education, Coordination of family education, Courses for parents, Family ABC, Strengthen parenting skills, Family education offers

Coordination office for family education in the city of Erlangen

Family and parent education aims to support parents in helping their children grow up well by providing targeted services.

Mother with crying baby
Writing baby, Writing baby advice, Baby cries a lot, Advice and support, Crying outpatient clinic

Advice and support if your baby cries a lot

Here you will find a list of regional advice centers for parents of cry babies.

News for parents


Vacation care in the 2024/2025 school year

The Erlangen Alliance for Families offers vacation care for school children during all vacation periods except the winter vacations.

Family with child and counselor
Youth Welfare Office Offers, Work of youth welfare offices, Information about youth welfare offices, Info offers youth welfare office

The youth welfare office. Support that arrives

The website of the Federal Working Group of the State Youth Welfare Offices provides very clear information about the services offered by the youth welfare offices.

Road safety, Way to school, Schoolchild, Car-free mobility, Traffic behavior

Pick-up and drop-off zones at Erlangen elementary school

The aim of the pick-up and drop-off zones, which are gradually being introduced at Erlangen schools, is to prevent stopping and parking directly in front of the school and thus increase road safety.

Child stroking rabbits

Favorite places for families

The Erlangen Alliance for Families collects tips on excursion destinations, places of adventure and recreation for families in Erlangen.

Important telephone numbers for emergencies & crises

We are looking for you!

Childminder with three children

Childminder - a new job for me?

Childminders offer loving and reliable care for small children in a family setting. The Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office is looking for more childminders.


Foster parents wanted

The specialist full-time care service of the Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office is looking for foster parents.

Leisure locations


Adventure playground Angerinitiative e.V.

The pedagogically supervised adventure playground is open to children and young people between the ages of 6 and 14. Here they can build huts, make fires, meet friends, do handicrafts and realize their own ideas.

View of the Taubenschlag adventure playground from above

Adventure playground Taubenschlag

At the Taubenschlag adventure playground in Büchenbach, children of school age and older have lots of opportunities to try out their manual, practical and motor skills.

Playhouse with slide

Am Klosterholz playground (Steudach)

Football pitch and playground with climbing/rush combination, table tennis table, plastic cone, rope swing and double swing


Am Klosterwald playground

Playground with a slide and several playhouses.

Horizontal bar and seesaw
Sand play area, Horizontal bars, Climbing-sliding combination, Rocking devices

Annette-Kolb-Straße playground

Playground with rope circus, slope slide, quadruple seesaw, horizontal bars, sand play and balancing facilities.


Anschützstraße - Bachgraben playground

Playground to the north of the stream ditch with swing-climbing-swing combination, spring seesaw, climbing frame with slide, single slide, sandpit and double swing.

Play combination with swing and slide

Aschaffenburger Straße playground

Playground with climbing/rush combination, seesaw animals and playhouses

Playground equipment

Bamberg Street playground

Playground with table tennis table and skate equipment

Large game combination
Mud facility, Play combination with 2 slides, Standing carousel, Swings, Rocking devices

Bohlenplatz playground

The playground on the eastern part of the Bohlenplatz is equipped with a mud facility, a large play combination with two slides, a small play combination with a slide, a standing carousel, swings and seesaws.

Mud facility
Mud facility, Play combination with 2 slides, Standing carousel, Swings, Rocking devices

Bonhoefferweg playground

Playground with a mud pit, table tennis tables, spring buoy, double swing, slide and spring rockers.

Climbing-slide combination, Double swing, Table tennis table, Spring bouncers, Sand play area

Branderweg - Hutgraben playground

Playground with climbing-slide combination with double swing, table tennis table, spring rockers and sand play area.


Brucker Lache adventure playground

At the Brucker Lache adventure playground in Bruck, children and young people aged 6 to 16 can be active, build and experiment for themselves.

Climbing-sliding combination, Spring rockers, Seesaw animals, Double swing, Playhouse, ping pong table

Böhmlach playground

Playground with climbing-slide combination, spring seesaws, seesaw animals, double swing, playhouse and table tennis table

Playground entrance Damaschkestraße
Tunnel slide, Hammock, Double swing, Tire swing, Table tennis table, Playhouse, Feathered animal

Damaschkestraße - Siedlerstraße playground

Playground for all age groups with large mud facility, slackline, couple's swing, nest basket swing, play combination for pre-school children, play combination with challenging climbing options and 180 degree slide for school children, table tennis table and various seating options.

Skate park

Dechsendorf multifunctional playground

Traffic training area with combined basketball and soccer pitch and skate area


Dechsendorfer Platz playground

Playground with climbing-slide combination, double swing, toddler swing, spring rockers, trampoline and a turntable.

Double swing, Slide tower

Dompfaffstraße - Habichtstraße playground

Playground with double swing, slide tower and climbing facilities.


Dompropststraße playground - turning hammer

Playground with climbing-curve slide combination, double swing, carousel and playhouse.

Climbing combination with large slide
Leisure facility, Playground, Toboggan hill, Ball field, Double cable car

Dresselweg playground

Leisure facility with playground, toboggan hill, ball field and exercise and balancing area. The playground is equipped with a climbing/sliding combination for schoolchildren, a double ropeway, trampoline, queen's swing, toddler swing and a sand play combination for pre-school children.

Play hill, Balancing sticks, Swings, Play combination with slide and seesaw animals

Egidienstraße playground

Toddler playground with play hill, balancing logs, swings, play combination with slide and seesaw animals

Climbing combination with slide

Eichenlohe playground in Hüttendorf

Small playground with play combination, trampoline, swing, toddler swing, seesaw animals and sand play area

Tire oscillator
Tire oscillator, Table tennis table, Goal wall, Football pitch

Eskilstunastraße playground

Playground with tire swing, table tennis table, goal wall and football pitch

High balancing course
Climbing combination, Slide combination, Tire oscillator, Double and toddler swing, Hammock, Spring bouncers

Falkenstraße playground

Playground with climbing-slide combination, tire swing, double and toddler swing, hammock and spring rockers

Playhouse and trestle slide

Fürther Straße playground

Playground with table tennis table, climbing combination, slide tower, spring rockers and double swing.

Large slide Georg-Hirschmann facility

Georg-Hirschmann-Anlage playground

Play and leisure area with football pitch and streetball, large hand slide, rope circus and balancing course


Geschwister-Vömel-Weg playground

Playground with sand playground, double seesaw, play combination, horizontal bars, double swing and bird's nest swing.

Toddler combination with slide
Nest basket swing, large robinia climbing tower, Toddler swing, Tunnel curve slide, Toddler sand play area, Table tennis table, Basketball hoop

Goldberglein playground

Playground with nest basket swing, toddler swing, large climbing tower, tunnel slide, toddler sand play area, table tennis table and basketball hoop.


Gustav-Heyer-Weg playground

Playground with large mud facility, climbing combination, net tunnel, rope landscape for balancing and hanging, skate equipment, horizontal bars, climbing-slide combination, spring rockers and two table tennis tables.

Climbing-sliding combination, Slope slide, Double swing, Playhouse, Cable car, Spring rocker, Crawl tunnel, Quadruple rocker

Haselhofstraße playground

Playground with climbing-slide combination, slope slide, double swing, playhouse, ropeway, spring seesaw, crawling tunnel, table tennis table and quadruple seesaw


Haundorfer Straße playground - pond (Häusling)

Football pitch with basketball hoop and playground with small play combination, double swing, spring seesaw and table tennis table

larger climbing-slide combination, Playhouse, Double spring rocker, Gyro disk, Spring rocker and double swing.

Hechtweg playground (Kosbach)

Shady playground with large climbing-slide combination, playhouse, double spring rocker, spinning top, spring rocker and double swing.

Climbing combination with slide

Heinrich-Hertz-Straße playground

6-corner swing, play combination, table tennis table, soccer goal, turntable, toddler play area with toddler swing, spring seesaws and water mud facility.

Climbing combination with slide

Heinrich-Kirchner-Straße - Holzweg playground

Playground with large curved slide, swings, carousel and various interesting climbing and balancing options.

Sky swing

Herbstwiesenweg playground

Playground with sky swing, climbing combination and horizontal bar

Double swing
Climbing-slide combination, Double and toddler swing, Rocking animal, Tire oscillator, Horizontal bars, Stand rocker, Carousel, Playhouse

Kapellensteg playground - Main-Danube Canal

Playground on the east side of the Main-Danube Canal with climbing-slide combination, double and toddler swing, seesaw animal, tire swing, standing seesaw, merry-go-round and playhouse.

Climbing combination
Mud facility, Trampoline, Sand play area, Climbing-sliding combination, Swings, Table tennis table, Streetball court

Komotauer Straße playground

Playground with ropeway, large climbing/sliding combination, swings, trampoline, balancing course, toddler swing, sand and water play area for toddlers and play forest. There is also a sports area with a football pitch, streetball court and table tennis tables.

Play and leisure facility, Climbing combination, Cable car, Nest basket swing, Football pitch

Konrad-Haußner-Straße playground

Play and leisure facility located directly on the Wiesengrund with climbing combination, slope slide, nest basket swing, ropeway and football pitch

Playground Kulmbacher Straße Garage yard

Kulmbacher Straße playground - garage courtyard

Small playground with double swing, seesaw animals and climbing/sliding combination.

Mud facility, Swings

Kößweg playground

Playground with a mud area, balancing logs, toddler swing and play combination for small children.


Langfeldstraße - Elise-Spaeth-Straße playground

Playground with octopus, swing, toddler swing, climbing-slide combination and sand play equipment.


Marie-Curie-Straße playground

Playground with a climbing-slide combination for schoolchildren, a rope swing, a partner swing, a play area and a toddler area.

Double swing

Moorbachweg playground (Dechsendorf)

Playground with double swing and horizontal bars

Double swing, Table tennis, Slide

Neckarstraße playground

Playground with a double swing, a table tennis table, a tire swing, a turntable, a rope circus with an attached slide and a play area for small children.


Neuses playground

Small playground with slide, playhouse, table/bench combination and a double swing.

Odenwaldallee playground

Odenwaldallee playground

Next to the supervised adventure playground "Taubenschlag"; with a play area, large play combination, turntable, pendulum cross seesaw, table tennis table and bolt gates.

Climbing game combination, Trampoline, Partner swing, Sand area

Pestalozzistraße playground

The playground is equipped with a climbing play combination for schoolchildren, a trampoline, a partner swing and a sand area for toddlers

Mud facility, Balancing logs, Swings

Petra-Kelly-Weg playground

Playground with various play areas. Toddlers' area: large water mud facility, seating area, toddler swing. School children's area: large climbing/sliding combination with climbing rock, double swing, turntable, slackline posts, trampoline, table tennis table, table/bench combination.

Playhouse and swing
Climbing-sliding combination, Horizontal bars, Playhouse

Playground Alfred-Mehl-Straße

Playground with climbing/sliding combination, horizontal bars, table tennis table and playhouse

Playhouse with slide
Double swing, Rocking animal, Toddler slide, Carousel

Playground Am Eichenwald

The playground is for smaller children with a double swing, seesaw, sand digger, merry-go-round and toddler slide.

Climbing combination
Mud facility, Climbing frame, Streetball court, Playgrounds

Playground Am Färberhof

The playground is equipped with a mud pit, climbing frame, streetball court, playing fields, ...

Climbing combination with slide and seesaw
Climbing combination, Slide combination, 6-fold swing, Double swing, Hammock, Rocker

Playground Am See - Alterlanger See

Playground with climbing-slide combination, 6-point swing, double swing, hammock and seesaw.

Double swing

Playground at the Dechsendorf pond

Playground on the east bank with a play combination, climbing tower and double swing


Playground Coburger Straße - Holzweg

Playground with mud facility, slope slide, play combination and swings.

Standing seesaw and horizontal bar

Playground Franzosenweg-North

Playground with table tennis tables, standing seesaw, horizontal bars and football pitch.

High bar and toddler swing

Playground Franzosenweg-Süd

Forest playground on Franzosenweg north of Weinstraße with hut, play combination and rope tow.

Table tennis table, Trampoline, Playhouse, Slackline, Rope swing, Play forest, large climbing-slide combination

Playground Heuweg - An der Wied

Playground with table tennis table, trampoline, playhouse, slackline, rope swing, play forest and large climbing-slide combination

Climbing combination with slide

Playground In den Straßäckern

Children's playground with mud facility, play combination, crawling tunnel, trampoline, nest basket swing and double swing

Climbing combination with slide
Mud facility, Climbing-sliding combination, Double swing, Table tennis table, Rocker, Trampoline

Playground Kulmbacher Straße - Cemetery

Playground with mud pit, climbing/sliding combination, double swing, spring seesaw and table tennis table.

Double swing, Seesaw animals, Playhouse, Play tower with slide, various sand play options, Climbing possibilities

Playground Theaterplatz

The playground in the center of the old town is equipped with a double swing, seesaw animals, a playhouse, a play tower with slide, various sand play and climbing facilities.

Play combination with large slide and play combination with small slide

Playground Thymianweg

Playground with school children's play combination, sand play combination for pre-school children, toddler swing, horizontal bars and double swing.

Two toddler swings and two table tennis tables

Rennesstraße playground

Playground with carousel, slide house, swings

Climbing combination

Reuthlehenstraße playground

Playground with climbing-slide combination, double swing and spring rockers.

Mud facility
Playground, Mud facility, Slide, Carousel, Tobogganing

Rhönstraße - Holzweg playground

Playground close to nature with mud facility, high slope slide, balancing discs, mini carousel, playhouse and toboggan hill.


Rieterweg playground

Playground with table tennis table, climbing combination, double swing and slide

Play combination for toddlers, Mud facility, Balancing logs

Rotkappenweg playground

Playground with play combination for small children, mud facility, balancing logs and play area

Double swing, Carousel, Toddler slide, Climbing possibilities

Saalestraße playground

The playground is designed for smaller children with a double swing, merry-go-round, toddler slide and climbing facilities.

Slide ascent

Sandbergstraße playground

Playground with sandpit, double swing, tire swing, merry-go-round, spring seesaw and climbing-slide combination.

Play combination
Pirate ship, Wave carousel, Table tennis table, Playhouse

Schronfeldsteg playground

Playground with large climbing-slide combination "pirate ship", nest basket swing, wave carousel, playhouse, toddler swing and table tennis table.


Silbergrasweg playground Kurt-Schumacher-Straße

Large slide on the edge of the nature reserve. Also suitable as a toboggan hill in winter

Cable car, Turntable, Swing

Spardorfer Strasse playground

Close to the youth farm with cable car, large turntable and swings

Double swing, Seesaw animals, Toddler slide, movable building blocks, Sand play options

Strümpellstraße playground

The playground is designed for smaller children with a double swing, seesaw animals, toddler slide, movable building blocks and sand play options.


Theodor-Heuss-Anlage playground

Playground with mud pit, climbing net, slide, swings, playhouse, climbing frame and football pitch

Climbing cube with slide
Slide, Climbing possibilities

Town hall square playground

The rest and play area in front of the town hall with slide and climbing facilities

Climbing tower with slide

Veilchenweg playground

Small playground with toboggan hill, standing carousel, playhouse, table tennis table, slide tower, swing and sand play area.

Office for neighborhood work
Table tennis table, Tire weighing device, Spring rockers, Double swing, Slide tower, two playhouses

Vogelherd playground

Playground for children and young people of pre-school age.

Double swing

Wallensteinstraße playground

Playground with ropeway, double and toddler double swing, standing carousel, climbing combination, slide tower, trampoline, seesaw animals and a table and bench combination.

Mud facility

Water playground footbridge on the Bleiche - Schwabachanlage

A large water playground with an artificial stream and various play equipment located to the north of the Kopfklinik on the Schwabach. The stream is drained in winter. Adjacent playground and sunbathing lawn with toddler play area, open-air cinema in August.

Slides, Swings

Wilhelminenstraße playground

Playground with slide house, swings, climbing net with slide, mud facility, seesaw animal, floating belt

Toddler play equipment with slide and large climbing combination with slide

Willi-Grasser-Straße playground

Leisure facility with play combinations for pre-school and school children, toddler swing, triple swing, turntable, 2 streetball courts, large play area and toboggan hill.

Playground, Cable car, Swing, Table tennis, Climbing, Trampoline, Streetball, Field hockey, Mud facility

Würzburger Ring playground

Playground for schoolchildren with ropeway, nest basket swing, table tennis table, playhouse, large climbing/sliding combination, trampoline, carousel, balancing combination, street ball basket and field hockey goals. Toddler playground with mud pit, toddler swing, seesaw animals and large log cabin combination.

Climbing combination with slide

Zambellistraße playground

Large play area with play combination with tunnel slide, slope slide, climbing walls, ropeway, hammock, table tennis tables, seesaw...

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): Neubau Werkstättentrakt und Sanierung des GewerblichenTrakts

Baumaßnahmen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) sichern einen zukunftsorientierten Unterrichtsort für die gewerblichen Ausbildungsberufe der Berufsschule Erlangen. Hier entsteht ein neuer Werkstättentrakt und eine Mensa für alle Schulen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE). Der Klassen- und Verwaltungstrakt wird saniert.
Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
Shape Erlangen

Friedrich-Rückert-Grundschule: Anbau für Ganztagsbetreuung

Auf Grund der steigenden Schüler*innenzahlen und zur Sicherstellung des Rechtsanspruchs auf Ganztagsbetreuung wird die Friedrich-Rückert-Grundschule durch einen Neubau erweitert.
Shape Erlangen

Marie-Therese-Gymnasium: Generalsanierung

Das Schulgebäude des Marie-Therese-Gymnasiums mit seinen aus unterschiedlichsten Bauzeiten stammenden Gebäudeteilen wird umfassend saniert und umgebaut, damit weiterhin ein zeitgemäßer Unterricht möglich ist.
Shape Erlangen

Neubau des Familienzentrums Röthelheim 11acht

Im Stadtteil Röthelheim in der Hartmannstraße 118 entsteht ein neues städtisches Familienzentrum mit Spielstube, Lernstube, Krippe, Kindergarten, Familienpädagogischer Einrichtung, Offener Jugendsozialarbeit und einem Familienstützpunkt.

City Youth Welfare Office

Office management: Kerstin Knörl

Important telephone numbers for emergencies and crises

The Youth Welfare Office of the City of Erlangen offers extensive services, help and advice for children, young people and families, including

Advice & support:

Financial benefits:


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

Individual appointments can also be arranged.