Belly of a pregnant woman with hands in front of it

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Expectant & new parents

Here you will find up-to-date information on topics such as the desire to have children, pregnancy, birth and babies. You will also find comprehensive advice for parents-to-be and an overview of the services available in Erlangen. The aim is to answer all your questions and provide you with the best possible support in every situation.

Advice and support

Consulting services, Contact points for single parents, Support for single parents, Help and advice for single parents, Contact points, Support services, Support, Single-parent families, Single-parent families, Single parents, Counseling centers, Open meeting, Initial consultation, Separation, Regulars' table for single parents, Childcare, Edge time support, Exchange meetings, Aids, Crisis situations Single parents, Single parents

Advice and help for single parents

Single parents and single-parent families often find themselves in particularly stressful situations. In Erlangen, there are special contact points and needs-based advice and support services for single parents. You can find an overview here.

Mother with crying baby
Writing baby, Writing baby advice, Baby cries a lot, Advice and support, Crying outpatient clinic

Advice and support if your baby cries a lot

Here you will find a list of regional advice centers for parents of cry babies.

Mother with baby

Early Help Coordination Office (KoKi)

Advice and support for expectant parents, single parents and families with children aged 0 - 3 in the city of Erlangen

Thoughtful girl

General social services

The General Social Service will work with you to find solutions.


Midwifery center

Looking for a midwife? Then you've come to the right place at Hebammenzentrale.

Latest news


BAER - Bavarian Educational Guide online

"BAER - Bayerischer Erziehungsratgeber" is an online parenting guide developed by the Bavarian Youth Welfare Office.

Letters to parents Graphic

Letters to parents and media letters from

Parents who would like to know more can read 48 letters to parents and five media letters online or order a newsletter.

Important telephone numbers for emergencies & crises

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

"Future elementary school and all-day care" program

By 2026, all-day education and childcare for schoolchildren is to be guaranteed by a legal entitlement. This means that the city of Erlangen is obliged to consider ways of ensuring that youth welfare services and schools can meet this legal entitlement, to take appropriate measures and, in particular, to make elementary school "structurally fit" for this.
Shape Erlangen

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium: Renovation and new construction of the gymnasium

Extensive renovation and new construction work is being carried out in the gymnasium area of the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium. Among other things, a double sports hall suitable for handball is being built.
Shape Erlangen

Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): New workshop wing and refurbishment of the commercial wing

Construction work at the Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) is ensuring a future-oriented teaching location for the industrial training professions at the vocational school in Erlangen. A new workshop wing is being built here and the industrial wing is being renovated.
Shape Erlangen

Conversion of the Frankenhof into a cultural and educational campus (KuBiC)

Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC). The music school, the adult education center, the youth art school, the German-French Institute with a day care center, a guest house, a bistro, event halls and club rooms will all find a home here in the future.
Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).