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Minutes of the Alterlangen citizens' meeting on March 2, 2023

Stand: 09.07.2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Mayor Jörg Volleth welcomes the citizens present to the Alterlangen Citizens' Assembly and then refers to the general, usual rules.
The mayor also welcomes the members of the city council and the employees of the city administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Mayor Jörg Volleth reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), recommendations and concerns from the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the city council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 20:03, he gives the floor to the citizens for their concerns and requests.

1. garbage in the Helmut-Lederer-Straße residential area

There is a problem of increasing littering between the houses on Helmut-Lederer-Straße (passage from the Neumühle local supply center to Helmut-Lederer-Straße). The introduction of a waste separation system is suggested as a possible solution.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The street cleaning department advises against waste separation. It is being examined whether larger waste garbage cans can be installed.

2. noise pollution in the Helmut-Lederer-Straße residential area

In the area of the local shopping center, noise pollution continues to occur late into the night, especially in summer. The nuisance goes so far that residents' homes are invaded and break-ins and vandalism are attempted. The police do not stop them. It is suggested that no-entry signs and more frequent checks by police patrols be put up.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
From the point of view of the City of Erlangen, prohibition signs are not a solution, as those affected do not obey the signs. The police are responsible for noise nuisance.

3. missing post office and Sparkasse self-service branch

The Alterlangen population group has to travel long distances to reach a post office or a self-service branch. Although there is an ATM in the E-Center, savings bank customers have to pay to withdraw money.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The Sparkasse will not be opening a new branch in the Neumühle Neuversorgungszentrum. Reference is made to the newly opened Sparkasse branch at the Herman-Hedenus-Schule. It will also be possible to withdraw cash amounts of up to 200 euros at the cash desk at EDEKA Neumühle. The City of Erlangen has no influence on the locations of the post office branches as they are not operated by the city.

4. lighting in the Helmut-Lederer-Straße residential area

The wish was expressed to switch off the night-time lighting in the Helmut-Lederer-Straße square.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
An examination is assured.

5. illegal parking in the industrial estate

Children and cyclists are endangered by people parking along footpaths and cycle paths in the industrial estate. In the past, frequent police patrols have also led to a temporary improvement in the situation.

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
The police will be informed and encouraged to carry out more checks.

6. markings on parking lot and bus stops Sonnenblick / Schallershofer Straße

The parking lot markings for Sonnenblick and Schallershofer Straße and the markings for the "Sonnenblick" bus stop are no longer visible. As a result, trucks and delivery vans are parked at the entrances to the properties and there is also increased parking at the bus stop.

Referent for planning and building, Mr. Weber:
The parking angles are merely indication lines, which are not traffic signs according to the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) and therefore have no traffic-regulating effect. For this reason, the parking corners are no longer renewed by the city (exception: exists in traffic-calmed areas).

7. long-term parking of vans in Schallershofer Straße / Sonnenblick

Is there a possibility of a parking ban for trucks and vans in the area of Schallershofer Straße and Sonneblick? Suppliers often let their engines warm up to unload.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
According to the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), there is no possibility of imposing restrictions on HGVs and vans. The city and the police ensure that safety is maintained at exits, cul-de-sacs and junctions. The police must be notified if engines are warmed up.

8. crossing Schallershofer Straße

Is it possible to install a traffic island at the Sonnenblick bus stop to ensure safe crossing of the road?

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
The installation of such a traffic island is considered sensible by the city administration. A possible implementation is being examined.

9. fiber optic connection Alterlangen

When is an expansion of the fiber optic connection expected for Sonnenblick?

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Mr. Wurzschmitt:
The expansion of Sonnenblick is not included in ESTW's two-year plan.

10 Wiesengrund

Increased soiling from dog excrement is noticeable in Wiesengrund. There is also an increased safety risk due to unleashed dogs, despite existing signs.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
Legally there is no obligation to keep dogs on a lead on the Wiesengrund, only north of the Dechsendorfer Dam in the bird sanctuary. A promise is made to set up a bin for dog waste bags in Sonnenblick (Birmbachstraße). The nature conservation guard is also made aware of the problem of dogs running loose.

11. earth boring machine

Why has a large earth drilling machine been parked next to the Büchenbacher Dam bridge on the Regnitzwiese for over a year?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
It is a private construction company. An inspection is assured.

12. urban-rural railroad

How long is the planned construction work in Wiesengrund expected to last?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
A time period is not known.

13. urban-rural railroad

Is there already an exact date for the council referendum on the Stadt-Umland-Bahn? Is the resolution of the council petition legally effective or is it merely an opinion poll?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The Zweckverband Stadt-Umland-Bahn plans to complete the assessment documents in 2024. As soon as the planning documents are finalized, the citizens will be consulted again in the form of a council referendum. The subsequent decision is similar to a city council resolution, which is binding and valid for one year.

14. renovation of the canal bridge - felling of trees

What is the position of the City of Erlangen on this transportation project? Is it still possible to object to the felling of the trees?

Consultant for Planning and Construction, Mr. Weber:
Currently, the renovation of the bridge is in the planning approval process. This is followed by a hearing procedure in which the government of Middle Franconia will consider all comments, including those from the city of Erlangen. The issue of the trees to be felled will also be addressed.

15. open all-day / lunchtime supervision at Hermann-Hedenus elementary school

There are currently very few places available for lunchtime supervision at Hermann-Hedenus Primary School. There is an urgent need to expand not only the lunchtime care, but also the open all-day care and vacation care. There is sometimes criticism that one criterion for obtaining a childcare place is that both parents are working. Other reasons for a childcare place are disregarded due to the small number of places available.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
In the current school year 22/23, we are already seeing a significant improvement in childcare numbers compared to the previous school year. All children who needed a childcare place have been offered one. As the number of children in all-day care is expected to remain the same over the next few years, the number of childcare places is considered sufficient for the time being. The school can also safely provide 24 places for a tied all-day class. The future demand for the tied all-day class will only become apparent when the new first graders enrol. The actual demand for open all-day classes is also not yet known. It should be noted that there is no legal entitlement to childcare.

16. childcare situation at St. Heinrich Kindergarten

Due to staff shortages, the opening hours of St. Heinrich kindergarten have been increasingly reduced so that they can no longer be reconciled with parents' working hours. There is a desire for suggestions as to how the problem can be tackled, apart from mutual, voluntary care within the parent body.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
It is pointed out that the City of Erlangen is not responsible for the St. Heinrich kindergarten, as it is maintained by an independent provider. In September, the kindergarten will be supported by newly hired staff.

17 Schallershofer Straße traffic situation in the area between Neumühle and Schulzentrum West

The cycle lane between the school center and Neumühle causes numerous traffic problems. The installation of the cycle lane has led to an extreme narrowing of the carriageway. As a result, cars, buses and other vehicles regularly have to swerve onto the cycle lane. Due to the associated danger, this in turn is used less by cyclists. There are also two usable cycle paths in the area of Schallershofer Straße.
The increasing volume of traffic in the Schallershofer Straße area, combined with a speed limit that is only in place until 5 p.m., creates potentially dangerous situations for nearby kindergartens, schools and the community center. A continuous speed limit of 30 km/h is therefore desired for this traffic area.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
The city of Erlangen is part of the initiative for a nationwide 30 km/h speed limit in cities. Until this initiative is implemented, certain conditions must be met in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) in order to be able to (temporarily) impose a 30 km/h speed limit (in front of schools and kindergartens). In the Schallershofer Straße area, this is not possible even after repeated checks.

An open vote is taken on the removal of the safety lane.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

18. city-country railroad

It is requested that the city plan noise barriers for the planned bridge through the Wiesengrund during the construction planning phase of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
If a conspicuously high level of noise pollution from the Stadt-Umland-Bahn is noticed that does not correspond to standard values, appropriate measures will be taken by the city (e.g. noise protection wall).

Noise barriers should already be taken into account in the planning of the bridge through the Wiesengrund.
The motion was put to the vote and rejected by a majority.

19. road surface renewal Damaschkestraße

Due to the high number of asphalt potholes, a request was made to renew the road surface on Damaschkestraße.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
An examination of Damaschkestraße is assured.

20. preparation of a flood report

A flood risk assessment is requested for the Alterlangen urban area, in particular Erlenfeld. There is also the question of what measures should be taken to prevent renewed flooding.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
An answer is assured.

21. night flight ban

There is a wish for a ban on night flights (from 0 to 5 a.m.) at Nuremberg Airport.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The aircraft noise officer of the government of Middle Franconia has been invited to the next meeting of the UVPA due to this problem. The technical supervision lies with the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Munich, which works closely with the Aircraft Noise Commission. It is requested that use be made of the right of petition and that the relevant bodies be contacted(Aircraft Noise Commission). There is no other legal option. A change is currently not foreseeable.

22. restoration of the Steinforstgraben

Is the City of Erlangen planning to include the Steinforstgraben in an environmental protection regulation?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
There are no considerations in this regard on the part of the Environmental Agency. The issue is to be taken up by the district advisory council .

23. cycle path across the Wiesengrund to the grave / Alterlanger See bridge

The cycle path across Alterlanger See is too narrow, making it difficult for cyclists to cross. Are there any plans to widen it?

The bridge at Alterlanger See is to be redesigned.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

24. dismantling of cycle paths in Wiesengrund after completion of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn

Should cycle paths in the Wiesengrund be removed after the completion of the Stadt-Umland-Bahn?

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
No dismantling is to take place.

25. traffic mirror Adam-Kraft-Straße / Schallershofer Straße

Due to obstructed visibility caused by electricity boxes at the Adam-Kraft-Straße exit in the direction of Schallershofer Straße, the installation of a traffic mirror at this point is requested.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
An examination is assured.

26. winter gritting service

It has been noticed that over the years more and more salt has been spread on the footpaths and cycle paths. Is this amount of salt necessary?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
It was agreed with the Bicycle Working Group that the cycle paths would be kept well clear with a salt-sole mixture, as inadequate gritting of the cycle paths prior to this was often criticized by the public. However, the amount of salt grit will be reviewed again.

27 Protection of trees during the planning and implementation of construction and transportation projects

Do the trees really have to be felled in favor of the new bridge towards Dechsendorf? A greater commitment to the protection of trees in the context of construction projects, renovations etc. is required from the city.

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
Trees are only felled as rarely as necessary and as little as possible. Trees are only felled if infrastructure has to be built in the exact spot or if the trees are broken. If trees are felled or nature conservation assets are damaged, these will be compensated for in the same quality as part of the infrastructure measure.

28. parking situation at the Schallershofer Straße savings bank branch

Is it permissible to build a savings bank with an underground parking garage that can only be used by local residents? There is a problem that footpaths and cycle paths are increasingly being parked on.

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
In principle, parking on footpaths and cycle paths is not permitted. The underground car park is also for employees and customers of the Sparkasse.

Mayor Jörg Volleth closes the citizens' assembly at 10:14 p.m. and thanks the citizens for the discussion and their commitment.

on behalf of
Mayor and Press Office

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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