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Minutes of the Röthelheimpark citizens' meeting May 23, 2023

Stand: 28.05.2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Mayor Jörg Volleth welcomes the citizens present to the Röthelheimpark citizens' assembly and then refers to the general, usual rules.
The mayor also welcomes the members of the city council and the employees of the city administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Mayor Jörg Volleth reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), recommendations and concerns from the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the city council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 20:01, he gives the floor to the citizens for their concerns and requests.

1. accumulation of garbage on the ESTW property (Hartmannstraße 100)

Garbage and garbage is repeatedly deposited next to a clothing container on the property of the ESTW building. Is it possible to redesign the building to prevent the garbage from being deposited or to put up a sign?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
An answer will be promised.

2. public (mobile) toilets along the green strip in Röthelheimpark

The citizens would like to see a (mobile) public toilet installed along the green strip in Röthelheimpark, especially for the months from May to September.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
Public toilets have already been set up as part of events. There are also public toilets in the district house Treffpunkt Röthelheimpark (Schenkstr. 11, 91052 Erlangen).

The City of Erlangen should look into installing (mobile) toilets along the green strip during the summer months.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

3. installation of no barbecuing signs in Röthelheimpark

The citizens would like signs to be put up indicating that barbecues are prohibited in Röthelheimpark. The risk of fire, especially in the summer months, is greatly increased by barbecuing in the meadow.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The green space statutes of the city of Erlangen generally prohibit barbecuing in public green spaces. Citizens can inform the police in the event of violations. However, it is not advisable to put up signs, as experience has shown that these do not have the desired effect.

4. tree plantings west of Artilleriestraße

In the summer months, the area of the western Artilleriestraße becomes very hot. To counteract the heating of the tarred areas in summer, it is proposed that trees be planted on one side of the western Artilleriestraße (Carl-Thiersch-Straße to Hartmannstraße).

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
In principle, the city is in favor of the measure. It would be possible to remove parking spaces and plant the areas gained. However, the exact need for parking spaces should be assessed by the district advisory council. The issue will be referred to the district advisory council .

5. installation of garbage cans along the parade ground

The residents would like garbage cans to be installed around the parade ground, especially for the disposal of dog waste. Bins for disposing of the bags should also be placed under the dog waste bag dispensers.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
According to the City Green Department, there are sufficient garbage cans along Martin-Luther-King Weg, at the information pavilion and at the slide at Obi. A promise is made to check whether the garbage cans directly on the edge of the Exerzierplatz, away from the benches (which were recently dismantled), can be reinstalled.

District Advisory Council, Ms. Buchholz:
Complaints are being received more frequently in this regard.

6. noise nuisance for residents living near the green strip

The residents of the green strip suffer from noise pollution from the revelers on the green strip along Röthelheimpark. Furthermore, it is requested that signs be put up to inform revelers of this.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The police are responsible in this regard. Putting up signs does not have the desired effect.

7 Public charging infrastructure for electric cars

The citizen would like to find out about the City of Erlangen's plans to expand the public charging infrastructure for electric cars in Röthelheimpark. The problem is that the majority of charging stations are located on private properties that are not accessible to all citizens, such as supermarket parking lots, the Siemens Campus or on the grounds of the Max Planck Institute. This lack of public charging stations makes the purchase of e-cars unattractive for many citizens who do not have the means to install a private charging station.

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
A public charging station will soon be installed at Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße 3. In general, Erlanger Stadtwerke AG is planning an intensive expansion of public charging points in the city over the next few years.

8. traffic situation Schenkstraße (section Hartmannstraße to the Röthelheimpark meeting point)

The road layout of this section of road is very narrow, which leads to extreme traffic jams, especially during rush hour. The footpath on this section of the road is also very narrow and barely passable due to the cars parked on it. A one-sided parking ban is desired until the road section is revised. The citizens are also interested in how the road section is planned.

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
The topic was already discussed in the Building Committee / Works Committee for the Drainage Company on 18.4.2023(agenda item 25 "Redesign of the public street spaces in the Housing Area here: Resolution of the draft planning"), as well as in the UVPA (Environment, Transport and Planning Committee / Works Committee EB77, Environment, Transport and Planning Advisory Board) of 25.4.2023(agenda item 5 "Redesign of the public road spaces in the Housing Area here: Resolution replacing the development plan in accordance with Section 125 (2) BauGB") in consultation with citizens. The plans are to be implemented from the end of 2023 so that the renewal of the road section is completed by the end of 2024.

9. cycle path on Artilleriestraße

The cycle path on Artilleriestraße is very narrow and hardly protects cyclists from speeding cars. This area of the road is therefore very accident-prone. In addition, it is not clear whether this narrow cycle path is one-way or two-way. There is the question of whether the cycle path can be widened and whether speed cameras can be installed along Artilleriestraße to curb the 'car races'.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The city of Erlangen will pass the issue on to the municipal traffic control department. As the cycle lane in Artilleriestraße is not a cycle lane that has to be used, the right-hand rule applies in the respective direction of travel, i.e. one-way use.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
Artilleriestraße is wide enough, so no further widening measures are planned. Pick-up and drop-off zones for parents will be set up in the area of the Montessori school.

Artilleriestraße should be examined with regard to its traffic routing, possible traffic calming and a measure to widen or clearly mark the cycle path.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

10. street lighting

The citizen is in favor of switching off the streetlights in the Röthelheimpark area, as it is no longer frequently frequented after 22:00. There is also a call for the street lighting in the residential area to be switched off, as it disturbs residents at night. Switching off the lights at night would also help to protect the climate.

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
On this issue, a balance must be struck between light pollution from street lighting and the safety needs of citizens*. In most cases, however, the need for safety prevails. The committee has dealt with the lighting in Röthelheimpark on several occasions and consequently agreed on a motion detector.

11 Hofmannstraße cycle lane

What are the current plans for converting Hofmannstraße into a cycle street? Will there be public participation?

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
A decision has already been made to convert Hofmannstraße into a bicycle street. However, there is currently no concrete timetable. Public participation will take place.

12. intersections Gebbertstraße / Hofmannstraße and Hartmannstraße / Gebbertstraße

What is the current planning status for the redesign of the intersections of Gebberstraße / Hofmannstraße and Hartmannstraße and Gebberstraße? There is also the problem of cars frequently jaywalking - how is this behavior sanctioned?

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
The redesign and re-marking of these junctions will take place as part of the conversion of Hofmannstraße into a cycle lane (see agenda item 11). As far as disregarding red traffic lights is concerned, we can only appeal to the respective road users to comply with the traffic regulations.

13. green arrow traffic lights at the junction of Allee am Röthelheimpark / Ludwig-Erhard-Straße

Would it be possible to set up a green arrow at this traffic light exclusively for right turners (coming from Hartmann-Straße)?

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
According to the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), the installation of green arrows is only permitted at locations where all driving relationships are signalized. This is not the case in the area of this traffic light system.

14. parking spaces for e-scooters

Are there measures to curb the 'wild parking' of e-scooters in the Erlangen city area? These are also parked on private property.

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
As e-scooters are vehicles in the conventional sense, they may also be parked in public traffic areas. It is not the city but the owners of the e-scooters who are responsible for parking the vehicles. If they are parked in a way that is dangerous to traffic, the police can also be informed. An agreement has been reached with the operating companies that any vehicles parked in a manner that is detrimental to traffic will be removed. The city has also set up parking zones for e-scooters in the city to counteract the problem.

15. directional arrows for cyclists on the avenue at Röthelheimpark

There are directional arrows on the cycle path on the avenue at Röthelheimpark, but only a few cyclists pay attention to them. For this reason, the citizen suggests that the directional arrows be removed.

Referent for planning and construction, Mr. Weber:
The main direction of traffic must be observed for cycle lanes and cycle paths.

16. redesignation of Schenkstraße as a 30 zone

The problem on Schenkstraße is that people often drive too fast. This is particularly problematic as the road is used by many children as a route to school. Is it possible to reclassify Schenkstraße as a 30 zone and carry out regular traffic controls?

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
According to the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), the establishment of a 30 zone is only possible in front of kindergartens, school entrances, old people's homes and in places where there is a particular risk of accidents (but not along the entire school route). In the eastern part of Schenkstraße, in the direction of Hartmannstraße, play streets will be set up.

The city administration should take a close look at the possibility of setting up a 30 km/h zone in Schenkstraße.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.

17. reduction in Erlangen district heating prices

The prices for district heating in Erlangen are very high compared to both natural gas and nationwide district heating prices.

It is proposed that the district heating prices in Erlangen be reduced to the national average level.
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.

18. use of the Röthelheimpark

More frequent use of the park for cultural events is suggested. Furthermore, monthly use is proposed, for example for open-air concerts, flea markets or events for young people.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
Every private organizer is generally free to use the area for events.

19 Bus route 293

Bus route 293 no longer runs directly to important supply hubs such as Kaufland, the Sparkasse branch or the medical center. It is necessary to change buses at least once and walk some distance to reach them, which is particularly problematic for residents with walking disabilities or senior citizens. One suggestion is to use a small bus service, which is more maneuverable in this difficult traffic area.

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG, Ms. Angerer:
Line 293 was deliberately taken out of Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße because dangerous situations with cyclists* often occurred in this area. An application was submitted to the UVPA (Environment, Transport and Planning Committee / Works Committee EB77, Environment, Transport and Planning Advisory Board) to convert the infrastructure so that the buses can serve Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße again. In terms of costs, however, the focus is not on this conversion for the time being. Until then, it is possible to call a cab to Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße or Luise-Kiesselbach-Straße. It is promised to check whether Schenkstraße can be included as a stop on route 293. The use of a small bus service is not possible due to the high utilization of route 293 by school traffic, as it cannot cope with the capacity.

20. potholes in Josef-Felder-Straße

Since 2020, there has been an increasing number of potholes on the gravel paths in the nature reserve, which have not yet been repaired.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
An inspection is promised.

21. parking lot problem Röthelheimallee / Willy-Brandt-Straße

A conspicuous number of mobile homes and (advertising) trailers are parked in the area of Röthelheimallee / Willy-Brandt-Straße, even over several months. Would it be possible to create a parking zone for cars only?

Planning and Building Officer, Mr. Weber:
Motorhomes under 3.5 t are permitted to park there. As far as the advertising trailers are concerned, the police must be informed, as they are allowed to remove the trailers after a two-week period.

Residents' parking spaces should be designated in the entire housing area (Schenkstraße to Johann-Kalb-Straße).
The motion was put to the vote and rejected by a majority.

22. green strip Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße

A request is made to keep the green areas on Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße / Luise-Kiesselbach-Straße in better condition.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The somewhat overgrown state of the green spaces is due to the referendum 'Save the bees' and the resulting 'Mowing and flowering pact of Bavaria', which states that all municipalities will start mowing later (June).

23 Zone 30 Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße

Why is the 30 km/h speed limit not comprehensively signposted in the area of Doris-Ruppenstein-Straße? There is no corresponding sign in front of the kindergarten, which is to be protected by the speed limit in particular.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
There is no sign at this point as the entire area is a 30 km/h zone and the 30 km/h speed limit is only lifted when you leave the zone.

24. cycle path Mozartstraße

Due to the 30 km/h zone, the cycle lane in Mozartstraße, between the playground and Hartmannstraße, is not considered useful. It is desired to abandon the cycle lane in favor of widening the footpath.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
In general, cyclists* should ride on the carriageway in 30 km/h zones. The cycle paths in Mozartstraße are not mandatory. The City of Erlangen is planning to redesign the sidewalks in this area.

25. play area at Obi-Park

What are the further plans for the planned play area at Obi-Park?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The construction work has been completed. The area is still fenced off so that the grass can grow.

Mayor Jörg Volleth closes the citizens' assembly at 10:01 pm and thanks the citizens for the discussion and for their commitment.

on behalf of
Mayor and Press Office

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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