Wichtiger Hinweis
School route assistants
Stand: 14.02.2025
Accident-free on Erlangen's roads: Everyone can help!
School route services are the best way to get to school
The following applies to all pupils: before and after school is the way to school - whether on foot, by bike or by bus.
School transport services are of paramount importance for safety on the way to school. Where pupils are guided through traffic by helpers, there are hardly any serious accidents.
School route helpers wanted
There is always a need for helpers on the way to and from school to secure the critical points on the way to school - every new helper closes a gap and increases children's safety!
School crossing patrol assistants are trained and instructed by the police traffic educators. When carrying out their duties, they must be clearly visible and conspicuously dressed in road traffic. The appropriate clothing is provided.
Helping, not regulating
School crossing patrols are deployed at traffic lights, crosswalks and traffic crossings to prevent children from carelessly crossing the road. They provide assistance when crossing the road and explain the traffic rules.
School crossing assistants have no police powers and are therefore not allowed to direct traffic.
Compensation for expenses
School crossing assistants receive a small allowance for their voluntary work.
They are covered by statutory accident insurance.
You can help!
If you would like to support the school crossing patrol groups at the schools, please contact the school management or the Erlangen police station.
Further information:
Erlangen City Police Department
Traffic department - road safety education
Schornbaumstraße 11, 91052 Erlangen
Telephone: 09131/760 - 152
E-mail: simone.voll@polizei.bayern.de | daniela.geyer@polizei.bayern.de
Read more
School road assistants honored
They make an important contribution to road safety education in schools.
School route safety; advice
A safe journey to school must be the goal of all those responsible. Children must be able to make their way to school safely as pedestrians, cyclists, passengers in cars or users of public transport. Any questions in this regard can be clarified with experts on site.
Traffic prevention; traffic information and education
School travel services; information on designation or registration
The school transport services are set up by the local authorities and the authorities responsible for school transport. Pupils can register as school crossing guards and school bus crossing guards, and adults can volunteer as school crossing assistants and school bus attendants.
School road assistants honored
They make an important contribution to road safety education in schools.
School route safety; advice
A safe journey to school must be the goal of all those responsible. Children must be able to make their way to school safely as pedestrians, cyclists, passengers in cars or users of public transport. Any questions in this regard can be clarified with experts on site.
Traffic prevention; traffic information and education
School travel services; information on designation or registration
The school transport services are set up by the local authorities and the authorities responsible for school transport. Pupils can register as school crossing guards and school bus crossing guards, and adults can volunteer as school crossing assistants and school bus attendants.