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Interviews with contemporary witnesses

Stand: 28.05.2024

As part of the "Contemporary Witnesses" series of events, former Lord Mayor Dr. Siegfried Balleis conducted extensive interviews with deserving personalities from the city of Erlangen between 2013 and 2017. The results of this oral history project can be viewed on the city archive's YouTube channel.

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Interviews with contemporary witnesses of the city archive


  • Contemporary witness interview with Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Fiebinger, former president of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg and honorary citizen of the city of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Nikolaus Fiebinger


  • Contemporary witness interview with Dr. Hermann Franz, former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG and honorary citizen of the city of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Hermann Franz, Part I

Youtube: Interview Hermann Franz, Part II


  • Contemporary witness interview with Dr. Dietmar Hahlweg, former Lord Mayor and honorary citizen of the city of Erlangen.

Youtube: Dietmar Hahlweg, Part I

Youtube: Dietmar Hahlweg, Part II

  • Contemporary witness interview with Dr. Siegfried Balleis, former Lord Mayor and Honorary Citizen of the City of Erlangen.

Youtube: Siegfried Balleis, Part I

Youtube: Siegfried Balleis, Part II

  • Contemporary witness interview with Dr. Dieter Haack, former member of the Bundestag constituency Erlangen, former Federal Minister for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development, honorary citizen of the city of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Dieter Haack


  • Contemporary witness interview with Prof. Dr. Dieter Seitzer, pioneer in the development of the MP3 format and recipient of the Golden Ring of Honor of the City of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Dieter Seitzer (short version)

  • Contemporary witness interview with Mrs. Ursula Rechtenbacher, former honorary mayor of the city of Erlangen and winner of the Golden Ring of Honor of the city of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Ursula Rechtenbacher

  • Interview with Dr. Heinrich von Pierer, former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG and recipient of the Golden Ring of Honor of the City of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Heinrich von Pierer, Part I

Youtube: Interview Heinrich von Pierer, Part II

  • Interview with Prof. Dr. Erich Reinhardt, former Managing Director of the Siemens Healthcare Division and recipient of the Golden Ring of Honor of the City of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Erich Reinhardt


  • Interview with Thomas A.H. Schöck, former Chancellor of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg and recipient of the Golden Ring of Honor of the City of Erlangen.

Youtube: Interview Thomas A.H. Schöck (short version)

  • Interview with Dr. Karl Dieter Grüske, former President of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Youtube: Interview Karl Dieter Grüske