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Save heating costs

Stand: 28.05.2024

A cozy, warm home when it's cold outside. And still be economical with money and energy. Two goals that don't seem to go together at first glance. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you achieve this.

Selecting thecorrect level on theradiator

The levels on the heater or on the thermostat correspond to the temperature to which the room is to be heated:

*: approx. 5° C, frost protection

Level 1: approx. 12 °C

Level 2: approx. 16 °C

Level 3: approx. 20 °C

The individual levels are divided by three lines on the thermostat. Each line represents one degree. Just a few degrees can make a big difference to energy consumption. In the living area, a temperature of 20 to 22 °C (level 3) is usually sufficient. In the kitchen, 18 °C (level 2-3) is suitable, in the bedroom 17 to 18 °C (level 2-3). However, it should not get colder there, as this increases the risk of mold. It can be warmer in the bathroom, 22 °C is ideal here.

The heating can generally be turned down at night: The temperature in living and work rooms can be lowered by 4 to 5 °C at night. Nevertheless, you should make sure that the rooms do not cool down completely at night, as heating them up again costs a lot of energy.

Tip: It doesn't get warmer any faster if you turn the thermostat all the way up.

Leave radiators uncovered

Furniture, curtains, wet laundry - none of this has any place in front of or on the radiators. If you want the heat to spread well in the room, make sure that the radiators are not covered.

Turn off the heating earlier

You can turn the heating down half an hour or a whole hour before you go to bed. This also saves some energy and money. There are also digital thermostats that allow you to set the desired times automatically.

Shutters/curtains down at night

Darkened rooms not only ensure a better night's sleep, shutters and curtains also prevent rooms from cooling down at night. So you can sleep well and save energy at the same time.

Ventilate properly

Regular ventilation is also important during the heating season to maintain good air quality and reduce humidity. To prevent rooms from cooling down, windows should not be left permanently tilted. It is quicker and more effective to open the windows fully several times a day and ventilate briefly and vigorously for five minutes. This exchanges the air in the rooms without them cooling down. The cooler the room temperature, the more often you need to ventilate to prevent mold growth.


Extra info: How much CO2 can be saved?

Due to the direct and indirect emissions caused by heating, heating is responsible for around 63% of household CO2 emissions. According to the rule of thumb 1°C less saves 6% energy, almost 8 million tons of CO2 could be saved across Germany if everyone lowered their own room temperature by just 1°C.

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91052 Erlangen


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