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Disposal fund

Stand: 28.05.2024

Information on the disposition fund in the Erlangen-Southeast redevelopment area

Citizens, associations, institutions and tradespeople can apply for funding from the Neighborhood Management for neighborhood and district-related projects. The aim is to support the commitment of local people.

Contact the neighborhood management to find out whether you too have a chance of receiving financial support to implement your project ideas.

Within the scope of the available funds, measures from the following areas in particular are supported:

  • Measures to strengthen neighborhood culture and identification
  • Measures to enhance the cityscape and the residential environment
  • Measures for image building and public relations work
  • Measures/actions/workshops to enhance the neighborhood
  • Hands-on activities/activities/festivities/information events in the neighborhood
  • Measures to revitalize local businesses
  • Measures to document/research the development of the neighborhood

The projects should have a recognizable benefit in one of the areas mentioned and be fundamentally compatible with the objectives of the Integrated Urban Development Concept Erlangen-Southeast (ISEK).

Further information can be found in the guidelines of the Erlangen-Southeast Disposal Fund in the Downloads section. The scope of application and the application form can also be found here.

The Neighborhood Management Erl angen-Southeast will be happy to answer any questions you may have and support you in the application process.

We look forward to your projects and ideas!

Overview of the Erlangen-Southeast redevelopment area


pdf, 1 MB


pdf, 133 KB

Application form

pdf, 304 KB


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Urban renewal and urban design department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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