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Further development of the KuBiC neighborhood

Stand: 22.07.2024

The urban development of the Kultur- und Bildungscampus (KuBiC) Frankenhof district is set to continue. Specifically, this involves the area between the KuBiC and the Christian-Ernst-Gymnasium (CEG).

At its July meeting, the Environment, Transport and Planning Committee commissioned the administration to initiate the next planning steps on the basis of the winning design from the previous urban development, open space planning and structural engineering competition. The urban development design to be drawn up will form the basis for amending the development plan. The first prize winner of the competition, Löhle Neubauer Architekten with Lex-Kerfers Landschaftsarchitekten, is to be commissioned.

Aim of the planning

The KuBiC/CEG quarter is located in a central and sensitive area of the city center. It plays an important role in the urban development of the city. The aim of the planning is to further develop the area west of the KuBiC Frankenhof and north of the Christian-Ernst-Gymnasium. It is also to be upgraded in terms of urban development and function as part of the axis of science. Both public uses and attractive open spaces are to be created. Particular emphasis will be placed on creating a uniform spatial edge to Fahrstraße and Südliche Stadtmauerstraße. The CEG's outdoor sports facilities are also to be integrated into the newly designed open spaces.

The procedure

  • The two-stage planning process began with a feasibility study
  • This was followed by a realization and ideas competition in autumn 2023. It was completed in spring 2024.
  • In April 2024, the jury selected the design by Löhle Neubauer Architekten in collaboration with Lex-Kerfers Landschaftsarchitekten as the winner.

Details of the design

The planned structure integrates in one building

  • a triple sports hall
  • a two-storey underground car park
  • new rooms for the CEG.

The design is characterized by a clear urban setting that creates generous open spaces in the interior of the quarter and exposes the existing monuments.

Further information: www.erlangen.de/quartier-kubic

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