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Planning & building

Holistic and future-oriented

Shaping the expected developments in the city is the exciting task of urban planning. Infrastructure development, structural requirements, social challenges - all dimensions flow into these planning processes.

You can find an overview of the construction sites here.

Projects in the area of planning and construction

Shape Erlangen

A73 freeway lid

Together with the Free State of Bavaria and the federal highway company Autobahn GmbH, the city of Erlangen is looking for solutions to improve noise protection in the city area along the A 73 federal highway.
Shape Erlangen

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium: Renovation and new construction of the gymnasium

Extensive renovation and new construction work is being carried out in the gymnasium area of the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium. Among other things, a double sports hall suitable for handball is being built.
Shape Erlangen

Allotment garden concept "Gardening in Erlangen"

A concept is being developed for new garden areas in the city of Erlangen. The potentially suitable areas for allotment gardens and other offers are shown and evaluated.
Shape Erlangen

Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): New workshop wing and refurbishment of the commercial wing

Construction work at the Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) is ensuring a future-oriented teaching location for the industrial training professions at the vocational school in Erlangen. A new workshop wing is being built here and the industrial wing is being renovated.
Shape Erlangen

City center development Erlangen

Inner-city development aims to enhance the area by promoting construction measures for public buildings, redesigning streets, squares and other public areas and supporting private initiatives for building renovations.
Shape Erlangen

Conversion of the Frankenhof into a cultural and educational campus (KuBiC)

Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC). The music school, the adult education center, the youth art school, the German-French Institute with a day care center, a guest house, a bistro, event halls and club rooms will all find a home here in the future.
Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
Shape Erlangen

Development of the "Siemens Mitte" district

On the former Siemens site in Erlangen-Mitte, a new, lively inner-city district is being created on Werner-von-Siemens-Straße. This is intended to combine living, working, supply and leisure and create sustainable added value for the people of Erlangen.
Shape Erlangen

District House West (Büchenbach)

The construction of a new district center with a district library in the Büchenbach-West district will create a socio-cultural center and an innovative, versatile, open and creative meeting place in the west of the city.
Shape Erlangen

Eltersdorf: Community center and volunteer fire department

A new community center is to be built in Eltersdorf. This will be open for club and leisure use. It will also house the Eltersdorf volunteer fire department.
Shape Erlangen

Erlangen wastewater treatment plant - expansion concept 2030: elimination of trace substances

The existing wastewater treatment process leaves trace substances from pharmaceuticals and personal care products as well as certain industrial and household chemicals almost completely in the treated wastewater. A 4th purification stage is necessary to treat the wastewater accordingly before it flows back into the Regnitz.
Shape Erlangen

Erlangen-West II urban development measure

As part of the urban development measure Erlangen-West II, the city is developing new residential areas on 35 hectares in Büchenbach-West. A total of around 1,170 new apartments (230 detached houses and 940 multi-storey apartments) will be built in the area of the development measure. The development measure will be implemented in several construction phases, for each of which separate development plans will be drawn up. The city buys the land in the development area, creates building planning rights and develops the plots. The city then sells the developed building land to those willing to build, property developers or building cooperatives. The construction of the Stadtteilhaus West is also part of the development measure.
Shape Erlangen

Friedrich Rückert elementary school: extension for all-day care

Due to the increasing number of pupils and to ensure the legal entitlement to all-day care, the Friedrich Rückert elementary school is being extended with a new building.
Shape Erlangen

From the large parking lot to the Regnitzstadt

With "Regnitzstadt", Erlangen is to have a new district on the former large parking lot. At the same time, the district is to become a striking entrance to the city and be strengthened as a mobility hub.
Shape Erlangen

Humanities Center "Axis of Science"

In the coming years, the "Axis of Science" will be built in Erlangen's city center on Fahrstrasse and Sieboldstrasse between the Kollegienhaus and the "Raspberry Palace". Various new educational facilities, housing and commercial space will be created.
Shape Erlangen

Main fire station: extension and conversion

The main fire station on Äußere Brucker Straße is to be extended.
Shape Erlangen

Marie-Therese-Gymnasium: General refurbishment

The school building of the Marie Therese Grammar School, with its various parts dating back to different periods of construction, is being extensively renovated and converted so that modern teaching is still possible.
Shape Erlangen

New construction of a family center on Hartmannstrasse

A new family center is being built at Röthelheimpark (Hartmannstrasse) with play and learning rooms, crèche and kindergarten, family education facilities and open youth social work
Shape Erlangen

New construction of a quadruple sports hall on Hartmannstrasse

New construction of a quadruple school sports hall with rooms for exercise, meetings and multi-purpose use on Hartmannstrasse. Design of the outdoor facilities with offers for recreation and exercise for all age groups.
Shape Erlangen

New daycare center "Am Brucker Bahnhof"

New construction of an inclusive daycare center for 60 kindergarten and 24 crèche places at Brucker Bahnhof.
Shape Erlangen

New Kriegenbrunn lock construction

The damage to the Kriegenbrunn lock cannot be completely repaired. The Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) is therefore planning and building a new lock at the same location using state-of-the-art engineering technology.
Shape Erlangen

Planning redesign of Zollhausplatz

Zollhausplatz, a much-used transfer point, is to be extensively redesigned and become a "climate square". At the same time, an attractive entrance to the city center will be created.
Shape Erlangen

Renovation and expansion of the city museum

The city museum in the heart of the old town presents the history of the Erlangen region from early times to the modern university city. Following the completion of KuBiC, the city council has decided to focus on expanding the city museum.
Shape Erlangen

Siemens Campus / Siemens Stadtquartier Süd

In the south of Erlangen, a new, lively district is being created on the former Siemens research site. The area will be home to modern office buildings, spacious green and open spaces, restaurants, shops and services, as well as housing.
Shape Erlangen

Social cohesion "Büchenbach North"

The aim of the federal and state urban development program "Social Cohesion" is to secure and further develop the potential of Büchenbach-Nord as a district with a good quality of life and a high level of integration through joint, interdepartmental action.
Shape Erlangen

Social cohesion "Erlangen-Southeast"

With the integrated urban development concept (ISEK) for the south-east of Erlangen, the city of Erlangen wants to actively meet the challenges in the district. The aim is to improve social cohesion and the integration of all population groups.
Shape Erlangen

Town center of Eltersdorf / redesign of Egidienplatz

The city of Erlangen will reorganize the unsatisfactory urban planning situation in the center of Eltersdorf and create a square with the quality of a place to stay.
Shape Erlangen

Traffic calming in Eltersdorf

In order to relieve the town center of Eltersdorf from through traffic, traffic-calming measures are to be planned and implemented in the town's thoroughfare.
Shape Erlangen

West exit Bergkirchweihgelände

Further safety measures are necessary to ensure that visitors can enjoy Erlangen's "fifth season" safely and carefree. This includes upgrading and expanding the west exit of the Bergkirchweih grounds as an escape route for the fire department and also as an escape route.

Development plans in process

Contact us

Office for Citizen Participation and Volunteering


Hauptstraße 48
91054 Erlangen


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