Animal transport; application for approval of means of road transport
If you wish to use road transport vehicles commercially to transport animals for longer than 8 hours, you need a license for the means of transport from the competent veterinary office.
Stand: 02.01.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Register animal transport (horse)
You can use this online application to register an animal transport (horse).
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Register animal transportation (cattle, sheep, goats)
If you want to use means of transport, such as truck trailers, car trailers or semi-trailers, for long journeys of animals in connection with a commercial activity, you need prior approval for these means of transport. This applies to transportation within the EU that lasts 8 hours or longer or within Germany that lasts longer than 12 hours (exception only for breeding and farm animals).
A transport operation includes the entire transportation process from the place of dispatch to the place of destination, including loading, unloading and, if necessary, accommodation at intermediate stations.
Approval is granted for a maximum of 5 years.
If you wish to transport animals commercially, the means of transport used must be equipped with
- a navigation system,
- an efficient ventilation system,
- a temperature monitoring system with data recorder and
- a warning system for exceeding permissible maximum or minimum temperatures
and meet the technical requirements of the EU Animal Transport Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005).
Once you have submitted the documents, they will be reviewed by the veterinary office and your details documented. You will then receive your approval.
You must apply for approval before using the means of transport. You may only use the means of transport once you have received approval.
- The following proofs and declarations are required for approval:
- Angaben zum Unternehmen/zur Institution
- Angaben zum Transportmittel
- Fahrzeugschein
- TÜV-bestätigtes Abnahmeprotokoll des Transportmittels
- TÜV-bestätigtes Abnahmeprotokoll des Navigationssystems
- Datennachweis des Navigationssystems
- Erklärung, dass Sie oder Ihre Vertreter in den letzten drei Jahren keine ernsten Verstöße gegen das gemeinschaftliche und/oder einzelstaatliche Tierschutzrecht begangen haben
- Erklärung, dass Sie oder Ihre Vertreter bei keiner anderen zuständigen Behörde in Deutschland oder einem Mitgliedstaat eine Zulassung beantragt haben
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Depending on the respective office and institution.