Rent index; transmission of data
In larger cities and municipalities, randomly selected landlords and tenants are asked to provide information on the type, size, fixtures and fittings and condition of their home for the purpose of compiling the rent index.
Stand: 26.03.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Rent indexes are drawn up by cities/municipalities and by representatives of landlords' and tenants' interests, such as tenants' associations and homeowners' associations. A city/municipality should draw up a rent index if there is a need for one.
Since July 1, 2022, municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants have been obliged to prepare rent indexes. Cities that create a qualified rent index for the first time due to this obligation must create and publish it by January 1, 2024.
As a rule, rent indices are to be adjusted to market developments every two years.
The law and the rent index ordinance differentiate between (simple) rent indices and qualified rent indices.
The qualified rent index is prepared according to recognized scientific principles and is recognized by the municipality or by representatives of the interests of landlords and tenants. It must be adjusted to market developments after two years at the latest and revised after four years.
In order to prepare a qualified rent index and to adjust it by means of random sampling, owners and tenants of residential property are obliged to provide the competent authority with information on request as to whether the residential property is rented out and the address of the property.
Landlords and tenants of residential property are obliged to provide the competent authority with the following information on request:
- Start of the tenancy,
- the date and type of the last rent increase, with the exception of increases in accordance with Section 560 of the German Civil Code,
- Determination of the rent level by law or in connection with a subsidy commitment,
- Type of rent and rent amount,
- the type, size, furnishings, condition and location of the rented accommodation, including its energy efficiency features and condition (Section 558 (2) sentence 1 of the German Civil Code),
- The existence of special circumstances that have led to a reduction in the rent amount, in particular a relationship between the landlord and tenant, an employment relationship between the landlord and tenant or the assumption of special obligations by the tenant,
- Address of the apartment,
- names and addresses of the tenant and landlord.
You will be asked to provide data for the preparation of the rent index (usually in the form of a questionnaire).
The competent authority prepares a qualified rent index on the basis of the data provided by the party obliged to provide information and the data from authorities (e.g. the registration office, the federal and state statistical offices).
Art 238 Introductory Act to the Civil Code
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Rent index Erlangen -
The rent index provides an overview of local comparative rents for apartments and single-family homes in Erlangen. The information makes it easier for parties to rental agreements to make decisions on rental price issues and is intended to prevent disputes and court proceedings as far as possible. In this way, it contributes to an objective debate about rents. The rent index is compiled in accordance with recognized scientific principles and recognized by the city council as a qualified rent index.
You can use the rent index to determine the local comparative rent. It is not used to set prices. The local comparative rent only includes the pure net cold rent in euros per square meter. "Operating or ancillary costs" are not included. The basic net rent depends on the living space. The influence of the type, furnishings, condition and location of the apartments and single-family homes is taken into account when determining the local comparative rent with percentage mark-ups and mark-downs.
Rent index Erlangen
We are responsible for compiling the Erlangen rent index, advising on its use and sending out printed copies of the rent index.
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or contact form.
Telephone availability:
Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00
Friday 09:30 - 12:00