Social assistance; applying for help to maintain the household
Help with running the household mainly includes looking after children and housework if no one else in the household can take on these tasks.
Stand: 22.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Persons with their own household who are not entitled to household help receive help to continue the household as part of social assistance if none of the family members can run the household but it is necessary to continue the household (e.g. in the event of illness or death of the housewife or mother).
The assistance includes the personal care of household members and other activities necessary for the continuation of the household (e.g. personal hygiene of children, house cleaning, laundry, supervision of household chores). If necessary assistance cannot be provided by close relatives or by way of neighborly help, the reasonable costs for a specialist (e.g. home and family caregiver) will be covered. In special cases, the costs of accommodating family members outside the family (e.g. in a home) will also be covered if this is necessary in addition to or instead of continuing to run the household.
- There is a household and neither the previous head of household (e.g. in the event of serious illness or deprivation of liberty) nor another member of the household can run the household.
- The continuation of the household is necessary and sensible (e.g. for families with underage children).
- There is a need (e.g. income limit according to § 85 SGB XII, basic amount of twice the standard needs level 1 + 70% of the standard needs level 1 for other family members + expenses for accommodation to a reasonable extent).
- The assistance is only necessary on a temporary basis. Exception: If the assistance prevents or delays placement in a home or similar institution, it can be granted for a longer, indefinite period.
You can first informally notify the responsible office of your need for assistance.
A fully completed social assistance application can be submitted at a later date.
As the responsible office can only grant assistance from the time it learns of the applicant's need for assistance, the need for assistance should be notified as soon as possible. This notification can be made in writing, by telephone or in person.
Once the application has been submitted, the documents you have submitted will be examined and, if necessary, the need for care will be determined.
Your income and financial circumstances will also be checked. If the person in need of care is a minor and unmarried, their parents' income and assets will be taken into account.
If all requirements are met, you will receive a notification of approval.
This assistance begins as soon as the competent body or a body commissioned by it becomes aware that the conditions for the benefit are met.
A decision on the application will be made immediately. The processing time depends, among other things, on the completeness of the information provided and the submission of the evidence required for processing the application.
- The following documents in particular are required for the application:
- Identity card or passport (or other documents that can identify the person beyond doubt)
- If applicable, notification from the care insurance fund and expert opinion from the medical service of the health insurance funds
- Medical documents, if available
- If applicable, notification from the pension office regarding the determination of a degree of disability (e.g. severely disabled person's pass)
- Proof of health and long-term care insurance
- Notice of rejection from the health or long-term care insurance fund including reasons
- Proof of income
- Proof of assets (e.g. for capital-forming insurance (life insurance, building society insurance, Riester pension contracts, death benefit insurance, funeral provision and similar), savings accounts, land, real estate, valuables, car)
- Bank statements
- Tenancy agreement, rent change letter if applicable
- Further documents may be required. The scope of the documents required depends on the specifics of the individual case.
Dept. of Social Assistance
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or contact form.