Separation and divorce; counseling
Mothers and fathers who have to care for a child or young person have a right to counseling in the event of separation or divorce.
Stand: 14.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
The aim of counseling is to help build a partnership within the family, overcome conflicts within the family and create the conditions for the child or young person to assume parental responsibility in a way that is conducive to their well-being.
In the case of separation and divorce, the focus of counseling is on ensuring that the children affected by parental separation and divorce and their needs are not lost sight of by the parents. Parents should be supported and empowered in shaping their responsible parenthood despite separation and divorce. The child or young person concerned must be appropriately involved in the development of an amicable concept for the exercise of parental care.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Separation and divorce are crises for you and your children. Divorce ends your relationship as a couple and
spouse. However, it does not end your parental responsibility. The most important help you can give your children
help you can give your children is to remain available as a mother and father and to play a
a significant role in the child's life. We offer you the following support:
- Advice on partnership, separation and divorce issues
- Advice for parents on developing an amicable parenting plan
- Advice on the development and implementation of contact arrangements
- Referral to the youth and family counseling services of the municipal youth welfare office
- Mediation
- Participation in family court proceedings
The counseling service is aimed at all mothers and fathers who have to care for a child or young person or are actually caring for them.
If you need advice, contact a marriage and family counseling center, educational counseling center or the responsible district administrative authority.
Fathers and mothers can take advantage of the advice free of charge.
Dept. integrated advice center
Here you will find youth and family counseling, drug and addiction counseling, pregnancy counseling, intercultural parenting and the medical specialist at the youth welfare office.
You can find more information at
Individual appointments can also be arranged.
Dept. of Social Services
They will help you here:
- General social services (educational support, integration support, crisis support)
- Special social services(full-time care), adoption placement, inpatient help
- Youth welfare in criminal proceedings
- Economic youth welfare
- Early help coordination office
Appointments possible by individual arrangement outside opening hours.