Municipal Medal of Merit and Municipal Certificate of Thanks; submission of a proposal
Municipalities and districts can nominate people worthy of distinction for the Municipal Certificate of Thanks and the Municipal Medal of Merit in gold, silver or bronze, among other things, in response to suggestions from citizens.
Stand: 11.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Persons who have rendered outstanding services to local self-government, in particular over many years in a local parliament or in other honorary local offices, are honored annually by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration with the Municipal Certificate of Thanks and the Municipal Medal of Merit in gold, silver or bronze.
Municipalities and districts can nominate people worthy of such an award.
The nominees must have rendered special services to local self-government, in particular through many years of service in a local parliament or in other honorary local offices.
The nominees must also be worthy of the award in terms of their other conduct and personal attitude. Those who nominate themselves cannot be considered.
Citizens can submit suggestions for this honor informally to the municipality or the district office. The municipal merits and the time served must be presented.
These and their own suggestions are passed on by the municipalities and district offices to the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, Sport and Integration via the district governments.
Honored for services to local self-government
City of Erlangen
The City of Erlangen offers a wide range of services.
Here you will find the individual specialist departments and their range of services.
Depending on the respective office and institution.