Wichtiger Hinweis
Straußwirtschaft; Advertisement
If you wish to operate a wine tavern, you must notify the responsible municipality at least two weeks before the start of operations.
Stand: 15.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
In principle, you require a restaurant license in accordance with Section 2 (1) of the German Restaurant Act (GastG) to operate a restaurant that serves alcohol.
However, serving wine or cider that you have produced yourself is privileged under certain conditions and only requires notification to the municipality (§§ 4 ff. Bavarian Restaurant Ordinance - BayGastV).
Only the serving of self-produced wine or self-produced cider for a period of four consecutive months or in two consecutive periods totaling four months per year is possible without a permit.
You must observe the following requirements in particular:
- You may only serve wine or cider made from fruit that you have produced yourself.
- The serving of wine in a wine tavern is only permitted in rooms located in the municipality of the producer's business.
- The serving of wine in a wine tavern may not take place in rooms that have been rented specifically for this purpose.
- A wine tavern may not be combined with another pub or restaurant.
- There may be no more than 40 seats in a wine tavern.
- Only cold and simply prepared hot food may be served in a wine tavern.
- It is not permitted to sell bottled beer, non-alcoholic drinks that are not served by the tavern owner in his establishment, or tobacco and confectionery for sale on the street.
Only the serving of self-produced wine or self-produced cider is privileged. If you also wish to serve other alcoholic beverages, you require a pub license. The same applies if you want to operate the business for longer than a maximum of four months a year.
You must notify the competent local authority of your wine tavern at least two weeks before the start of operations and provide the following information
- the period during which the bar is to be open,
- the place where the fruit used for the wine or cider was pressed and where the wine was made,
- the rooms intended for the operation of the wine tavern.
- valid identity card or passport
- Detailed information for Straußwirtschaft
The notification must include the following information: - the period during which the wine is to be served, - the place where the fruit used for the wine or cider was pressed and where the wine was matured, - the premises intended for the operation of the wine tavern. - in the case of power of attorney: a written power of attorney and identification of the principal and the authorized representative
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