Residence cards and certificate of permanent residence; application
A residence card or permanent residence card is issued to family members of Union citizens entitled to freedom of movement and permanent residence who are not Union citizens themselves. EU citizens can apply for a certificate.
Stand: 22.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Contact form - Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization
You can use this online application to send a message to the Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization of the City of Erlangen.
Citizen-friendly and digital: Simply fill out this online contact form directly via your internet browser. Whether you are on the move or at home.
Apply for residence for EU and EEA citizens and their families (persons entitled to freedom of movement)
You can use this online application to apply for residence for EU and EEA citizens and their families (persons entitled to freedom of movement).
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
EU citizens do not require a visa to enter or a residence permit to stay in Germany. Citizens of the EEA states Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are treated as EU citizens in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the General Freedom of Movement of EU Citizens (Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU - FreizügG/EU), but without acquiring the status of EU citizens or family members of EU citizens.
EU citizens who identify themselves with a valid passport or identity card enjoy freedom of movement and thus also the right to stay for more than three months as employees, to seek work or for vocational training, as established self-employed persons, as providers and recipients of services and as permanent residents. EU citizens who are not gainfully employed are entitled to freedom of movement if they have adequate health insurance cover and sufficient resources.
The law no longer provides for the issuing of a certificate on the right to freedom of movement.
EU citizens who have been legally resident in Germany for five years have the right of entry and residence (right of permanent residence), regardless of whether the conditions for freedom of movement are still met, see § 4a FreizügigkeitsG/EU. Upon application, the foreigners authority will certify their right of permanent residence.
Family members (spouse or registered partner, children up to the age of 21 and, under certain conditions, other family members) of an EU citizen entitled to freedom of movement are also entitled to freedom of movement if they accompany or join the EU citizen. However, family members entitled to freedom of movement who are not EU citizens (so-called third-country nationals) generally require an entry visa (see "Related topics" - "National visa"). The immigration authorities will issue them with a residence card for family members of EU citizens, which is valid for five years, ex officio within six months of them providing the required information. The family member will immediately receive a certificate confirming that the required information has been provided. Family members of EU citizens who are third-country nationals are entitled to permanent residence if the family member is entitled to permanent residence and has resided legally with the family member in Germany for five years. They will be issued a permanent residence card by the immigration authority within six months of submitting their application.
Note: An absence of more than two consecutive years for a reason that is not merely temporary in nature will result in the loss of the right of permanent residence.
For further information on the right of permanent residence and certificates on the right of permanent residence as well as residence cards and the right of residence of family members (e.g. in the event of divorce from the EU citizen entitled to freedom of movement or his/her departure or death), please contact the foreigners authority responsible for your place of residence on a case-by-case basis.
Permanent residence certificate:
- Citizenship of an EU member state or citizenship of one of the EEA states Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.
- Five years of permanent legal residence in Germany (in the cases regulated in § 4a Para. 2 FreizügigkeitsG/EU, possibly even earlier)
Residence card:
- Third-country national family member (spouse or registered partner, children up to the age of 21 and, under certain conditions, other family members) of an EU citizen entitled to freedom of movement
- Accompanying or joining this EU citizen
permanent residence card:
- Third-country national family member (spouse or registered partner, children up to the age of 21 and, under certain conditions, other family members) of an EU citizen entitled to permanent residence
- five years of permanent legal residence in Germany with the EU citizen entitled to permanent residence
Note: Depending on the circumstances of the individual case, further requirements may need to be met. Please ask the relevant immigration authority in each individual case.
- Identity card or passport
- current biometric passport photo
- for residence card:
- Marriage certificate or partnership certificate/birth certificate for each child - if necessary with apostille or legalization endorsement
- for foreign-language documents: certified German translation. Only international, multilingual documents do not require a translation.
- Possibly confirmation of registration of the EU citizen whom the family members are accompanying or joining
- The documents to be submitted may vary considerably.
Please enquire at your local foreigners authority. As a rule, however, the following documents are required:
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Permanent residence certificate: 10.00 euros
Residence card or permanent residence card (persons up to the age of 24): 22.80 euros
Residence card or permanent residence card (persons after the age of 24): 37,00 Euro
Permanent stays
Telephone availability:
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Thursday: 13:30 - 15:00