School sports competitions; organization
School sports competitions contribute to the activation of school life and create cross-school sports and meeting areas. They bring schools together with clubs, professional associations of the Bavarian State Sports Association, districts, cities and municipalities.
Stand: 12.08.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
School sports competitions in Bavaria are an integral part of school life and an ideal complement to physical education lessons. It is precisely here that the health-promoting, community-building and personality-building potential of school sport can be experienced directly. In addition, school sports competitions support an important goal of physical education in Bavarian schools: to motivate children and young people to engage in lifelong extracurricular sports activities.
School sports competitions in Bavaria enjoy unbroken popularity. In terms of the variety on offer and the number of participants, Bavaria occupies a leading position in Germany. The attractive range of competitions covers both traditional sports and new forms of sporting expression. The spectrum ranges from playful primary school competitions to the state school sports festivals for pupils with special educational needs, the national youth games and the national competition for schools "Jugend trainiert für Olympia & Paralympics".
The advertised team competitions are prepared and carried out on behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs by the State Office for School Sports at the Bavarian State Office for Schools in cooperation and coordination with the responsible school supervisory authorities, the state committee appointed by the State Ministry and the district committees as well as the school sports working groups set up in the districts and independent cities.
Office for Sport and Health Promotion
Head of office: Ulrich Klement