Educational child and youth protection; use of services
Educational child and youth protection services are provided to enable children and young people to deal with risks and protect them from danger.
Stand: 21.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Child and youth protection has the task of ensuring positive health and psychosocial development and promoting their education to become critical and decisive, self-reliant and socially competent individuals. The aim is to protect children and young people from a wide range of dangers. These dangers include violence, addictive substances, media consumption, communication risks, bullying, delinquency, extremism and sects.
The protection of minors can be divided into educational and regulatory youth protection. While the educational protection of minors focuses on promoting an age- and development-appropriate upbringing for all children and young people, the regulatory protection of minors focuses on legal prohibitions that create a framework in which young people can grow up without danger.
Educational child and youth protection aims to set positive accents in the physical, mental and social development of young people by providing information, advice and educational impulses in order to prevent risks. For example, it deals with the prevention of addiction, the strengthening of media skills, the prevention of violence and problematic leisure behavior and is aimed at young people as well as parents, guardians and legal guardians.
The youth welfare office can provide information and advice for pupils, children and young people, for parents and other guardians as well as for professionals. For example, it can carry out projects at schools, organize specialist lectures or publish information brochures.
Educational youth protection is mainly carried out at state level by Aktion Jugendschutz, Landesarbeitsstelle Bayern e. V. (aj). The aj (Aktion Jugendschutz) offers and develops innovative concepts and services in the areas of youth media protection/media education, addiction and violence prevention as well as sex education/prevention of sexualized violence and gambling addiction prevention. ELTERNTALK offers moderated discussion groups for parents on the topics of media, consumption, sexual education and addiction prevention and growing up healthy in the family. Educational professionals are offered a wide range of training courses and methods for educational practice in the various areas of focus. In addition, comprehensive and useful work aids, methods and information are available for both educational professionals and parents.
The JFF - Institute for Media Education in Research and Practice is also a central pillar of educational youth protection. It deals with media education research and practical educational work. The research flows into the educational work. The aim is for children and young people to learn a self-determined and reflective approach to media. At the same time, they should be enabled to use media as a means of actively engaging with their own living environment, participating in the social environment and communicating their own point of view.
If you have any questions about the educational protection of children and young people, please contact the youth welfare office of the city or district office.
You can find out about events organized by Aktion Jungendschutz, Landesarbeitsstelle Bayern e.V. (aj) or the JFF - Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis on their websites (see "Further links").
If you need materials or publications on the educational protection of children and young people, you can download or order them from the websites.
Special social service
Here you will find the specialist service for full-time care (insert link: ), the adoption placement service, the specialist service for residential care and unaccompanied minor foreigners, youth welfare in criminal proceedings, educational youth protection and local home supervision.