Riding license plate; application
In some Bavarian regions, riders who are out and about in the open countryside, in the forest and on public roads must attach license plates to their horses.
Stand: 14.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
In order to protect recreational traffic and property, the lower and higher nature conservation authorities can prescribe the identification of riding horses by statutory order (Art. 31 Para. 3 BayNatSchG). This can make it easier to identify riders and thus improve the possibility of lodging complaints or claims for compensation.
The identification obligation can also extend to the obligation to keep records, retain them and provide information about them if horses are handed over to third parties (BayVGH, judgment of 17.7.1991, BayVBl. 1992, 112). The marking obligation may not only be ordered for private areas, but also for the use of public roads and paths (BVerwG, decision of 3.9.1990, NuR 1991, 76).
Only in certain Bavarian districts and independent towns is it mandatory to display signs (e.g. in the districts of Aschaffenburg, Ebersberg, Forchheim, Fürstenfeldbruck, Miesbach, Munich, Starnberg). Ask your local nature conservation authority whether identification is compulsory in a particular area.
The horse license plates or riding stickers (in pairs) are issued on written application by the responsible lower nature conservation authority and are valid for an unlimited period. The riding license plate refers to the owner of the horse. This means that only the owner of the horse can apply for it. Irrespective of the location chosen for the animal's accommodation, the only decisive factor is that the rider is staying in an area where identification is compulsory.
The horse must have the identification markings clearly visible on both sides of the bridle. If horses are handed over to third parties for riding, the horse owner may be obliged to keep a logbook.
The lower nature conservation authority must be notified immediately in writing if the license plate is lost. In this case, a new license plate must be applied for.
Anyone riding without a license plate must expect to be reported to the police and possibly face a fine.
Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues
Head of office: Reiner Lennemann