Land use plan; preparation
Land use plans are drawn up by the municipalities. They contain the outline of the type of land use resulting from the intended urban development for the entire municipal area.
Stand: 23.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
The outline of the type of land use resulting from the intended urban development is shown in the land use plan for the entire municipal area. The land use plan is therefore a preparatory land-use plan. This distinguishes it from development plans (see also keyword "development plans"), which are drawn up for parts of the municipal area and contain binding regulations for citizens and the building permit authorities.
The land use plan shows, for example, the areas intended for development, areas for traffic facilities, green areas, as well as areas for agriculture and woodland. In addition, plans that have been established in accordance with other statutory regulations are included for information purposes. The land use plan must be accompanied by an explanatory memorandum. The objectives, purposes and significant effects of the land use plan must be set out in the explanatory memorandum and the relevant environmental protection concerns must be presented in an environmental report.
The land use plan is drawn up in a procedure regulated by law in the Federal Building Code (BauGB). In this procedure, citizens as well as authorities and public agencies are involved (see also keyword: "urban land use plan procedure"). The land use plan requires the approval of the higher administrative authority. As a rule, the district offices are responsible for granting approval, in exceptional cases the governments. The land use plan becomes effective with the customary local announcement of the approval.
§ Section 5 of the German Building Code (BauGB)
§ Section 6 of the German Building Code (BauGB)
Urban land-use plans Bavaria
The information system gives you access to the development and land use plans of numerous municipalities in Bavaria. This service does not replace the legally binding nature of the original plans. Only the original plan contains the valid legal situation as defined by the Building Code.
Department of Urban Planning
Individual appointments can also be arranged.