Dogs; application for a permit to keep a fighting dog or a negative certificate
You need a permit to keep a so-called ''fighting dog''. A negative certificate is issued if it can be proven that the dog does not exhibit any increased aggressiveness or dangerousness.
Stand: 03.12.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Dogs - Apply for a negative certificate
You can use this online application to apply for a negative certificate based on the Ordinance on Dogs with Increased Aggressiveness and Dangerousness.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
In Bavaria, regulations to protect the population from attacks by particularly aggressive and dangerous dogs were enacted back in 1992. Fighting dogs are divided into three categories according to the Ordinance on Dogs with Increased Aggressiveness and Dangerousness.
Category I dogs (pit bulls, including American pit bull terriers, bandogs, Staffordshire bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, Tosa-Inu and all crosses of these breeds with each other or with other dogs) require a license to be kept.
Category II dogs (Alano, American Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Bullterrier, Cane Corso, Dog Argentino, Dogue de Bordeaux, Fila Brasileiro, Mastiff, Mastin Espanol, Mastino Napoletano, Perro de Presa Canario (Dogo Canario), Perro de Presa Mallorquin and Rottweiler) are not considered fighting dogs if it is proven in individual cases by expert opinion that the animal does not exhibit any increased aggressiveness or dangerousness. In this case, a so-called ''negative certificate'' is issued.
In addition to this breed-specific classification, Section 1 (3) of the ordinance allows a dog to be classified as a ''fighting dog'' in individual cases on the basis of its training with the aim of increased aggressiveness or dangerousness.
The Bavarian regulations on fighting dogs were confirmed as constitutional by decisions of the Bavarian Constitutional Court on October 12, 1994 and July 15, 2004.
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
+(49) 09131 / 86 - 1749
+(49) 09131 / 86 - 1973
- In Bavaria, keeping a Category I dog is subject to a special permit, which is only granted under extremely strict conditions. The owner must prove a legitimate interest. There must be no concerns about the owner's reliability. Finally, there must be no threat to life, health, property or possessions.
In the case of a category II dog, it must be proven by expert opinion that the animal does not exhibit any increased aggression or dangerousness.
Keeping a fighting dog without a municipal permit can be punished with a fine of up to EUR 10,000.00 and breeding a fighting dog with a fine of up to EUR 50,000.00.
In accordance with Art. 18 Para. 1 Landesstraf- und Verordnungsgesetz (LStVG), restrictions on free roaming (obligation to be kept on a leash) can be issued in general for fighting dogs and other large dogs by ordinance of the competent municipality and in accordance with Art. 18 Para. 2 LStVG by individual case order for dogs of all breeds, regardless of their size.
The responsible municipality can also issue further individual orders (compulsory muzzling, locking devices and warning signs on properties). Art. 24 Para. 1 of the Municipal Code for the Free State of Bavaria allows municipalities to regulate the use of their property and public facilities (e.g. children's playgrounds, green spaces, parks) by means of bylaws. In this respect, a leash requirement can also be imposed, regardless of the breed or size of the dog.
- Dog expert opinion (category II dogs)
Processing security law (3)
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by telephone, e-mail or contact form.
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