Schools in Bavaria; Information
Bavaria has more than 6,000 schools in more than 20 school types. Various websites and authorities help you to find individual schools and publish information about them.
Stand: 17.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
In Bavaria, there are many options for individual education and more than 6,000 schools. You can search for Bavarian schools in your area, different types of schools and training courses as well as school directories. The schools are divided into general education schools, vocational schools, schools for special educational needs and schools for the sick. Special schools include general and vocational schools. The general education schools also include second-chance schools.
You can search for a Bavarian school in your area, a type of school and various educational opportunities on the website of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs (see "Related links"). Please note that the Sprengel principle applies to elementary school (grades 1 to 4) and secondary schools. The allocation of your school is based on your place of residence or district, so there is no choice. The following applies to secondary school alliances: You have the right to choose within the alliance, unless the school authorities have imposed restrictions on the right to choose.
The state education authorities and district offices or independent cities publish information about the schools in their area of responsibility on the Internet. Private school authorities and the schools themselves generally also have their own websites.
School administration office
Head of office: Brigitte Bayer
Availability by telephone is guaranteed from 8:00 am.