Residence permit; application for gainful employment in Germany
A residence permit is generally required to take up gainful employment in Germany. Such a permit can be applied for in various circumstances.
Stand: 23.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Applying for a residence permit to pursue gainful employment
You can use this online application to apply for a residence permit for gainful employment.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Contact form - Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization
You can use this online application to send a message to the Department for Foreigners' Affairs and Naturalization of the City of Erlangen.
Citizen-friendly and digital: Simply fill out this online contact form directly via your internet browser. Whether you are on the move or at home.
Applying for changes to ancillary provisions under residence law
You can use this online application to apply for a change to ancillary provisions under residence law.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
The following residence permits, among others, can be applied for:
- EU Blue Card
The EU Blue Card is a special residence permit for foreign academics or persons with a comparable level of qualification who wish to take up qualified employment in Germany. Further information on this can be found in the separate description of services under "Related topics".
- Residence permit for skilled workers
Foreigners who have completed qualified vocational training or studies (including outside Germany) and have a job offer can obtain a residence permit in accordance with Section 18a of the Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in Germany (Residence Act - AufenthG) or Section 18b AufenthG in order to take up qualified employment in Germany as a skilled worker.
- Residence permit for experienced professionals
Experienced professionals with extensive practical work experience have good career opportunities in Germany if they wish to work in non-regulated professions. They can then obtain a residence permit for qualified employment in Germany. Formal recognition of your qualification in Germany is not required for this. Special facilitations apply in particular to IT professions.
- Job search opportunity card
The opportunity card allows you to enter Germany to look for a job. It is issued if you either have a recognized specialist qualification or if you have a recognized foreign qualification and have achieved a certain minimum number of points within the framework of a points system.
- Residence permit for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications and recognition partnership
If it is determined in a recognition procedure that the foreign qualification cannot be fully recognized, it is possible to attend qualification measures in Germany in order to acquire the missing theoretical and/or practical skills. These can be, for example, training courses in a company, specialist training courses, preparatory courses or job-related German courses. Under certain conditions, it is also possible to work alongside the qualification measure. Alternatively, under certain conditions, it is also possible to have a recognition procedure carried out after entering Germany and to work in the desired profession at the same time.
- Residence permit for researchers
You can also apply for a residence permit for the purpose of research.
- Residence permit for self-employment
A residence permit is required for commercial or freelance self-employment.
There are also some special regulations. The most important are
- Special regulation for nursing assistants
The German labor market is also open to nursing assistants from third countries. This means that people who have completed nursing training that is not considered qualified vocational training or who have been recognized as such (nursing assistants) can work in nursing activities.
- Study-related internship EU
Students from foreign universities or foreigners who have obtained a university degree in the last two years can, under certain conditions, obtain a residence permit for a study-related internship.
- Special regulation for professional drivers
Drivers of trucks or buses who have the required driving license and the (accelerated) EU or EEA basic qualification can obtain a residence permit for their work.
- Western Balkans regulation
Nationals of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have the opportunity to work in Germany within the framework of a quota, regardless of qualifications. Further information on this can be found in the separate service description under "Related topics".
- Au pair
Au pair employment involves the temporary placement of foreign nationals between the ages of 18 and 27 in a German host family. For the foreign national, the focus is on acquiring cultural knowledge and improving German language skills. In return for imparting this knowledge, the au pair supports the host parents in looking after the minor children.
- Other specific nationals
Citizens of Andorra, Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, Monaco, New Zealand, San Marino, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (within the meaning of Section 1(2)(6) of the Act on the General Freedom of Movement for Citizens of the European Union (Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU - FreizügG/EU)) and the United States of America may be granted a residence permit to pursue any employment regardless of the employer's place of business.
The conditions for granting a residence permit depend largely on which specific residence permit is considered for the purpose of residence applied for. Further information on the residence permits described above can be found under "Further links". This also shows the main requirements for issuing a residence permit.
Certain requirements must be met for every residence permit to be issued.
In general, the granting of a residence permit usually requires that
- livelihood is secured,
- the identity and, if the foreigner is not entitled to return to another country, the nationality of the foreigner has been clarified,
- there are no grounds for deportation,
- if there is no entitlement to the issue of a residence title, the foreigner's stay does not impair or jeopardize the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany for any other reason and
- the passport requirement according to § 3 AufenthG is fulfilled;
and that the foreigner
- has entered the country with the required visa and
- has already provided the relevant information for the issue of the visa in the visa application.
The same regulations apply to the extension of the residence permit as to its issue. Before the residence permit is extended, it must be determined whether the foreigner has fulfilled any obligation to properly attend an integration course.
It is also important that the foreigner enters the country with the visa previously applied for at the competent German diplomatic mission abroad. In certain cases and for certain nationals, simplifications apply. Further information can be found under "Further links".
Many foreigners authorities already offer an online application procedure. If an online procedure is available, it will be displayed in the BayernPortal under "Online procedure" if you have entered your place of residence under "Select location".
If your foreigners authority does not offer an online procedure, please contact the foreigners authority by e-mail or speak to them in person.
Foreign nationals who require a visa must apply for the residence permit required for further residence during the period of validity of the visa.
Foreign nationals who are exempt from the visa requirement for the specific purpose of their stay must apply for the residence permit required for a further stay immediately after entry or within 90 days at the latest.
The processing time may vary. If necessary, please enquire at the responsible foreigners authority.
- The documents to be submitted may vary considerably.
Please enquire at your local immigration office. As a rule, however, the following documents are required:
valid passport
current biometric photograph (frontal view)
Proof of secure means of subsistence
Proof of sufficient living space
Proof of health insurance cover
Proof of purpose of residence, e.g. employer's certificate or employment contract, marriage certificate
Further documents if necessary
- The following documents may also be required:
- German or foreign certificates including required translations
- Documents relating to the intended employment relationship
- Documents in connection with professional recognition or any compensation measures
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Issue: 100 EUR
Extension up to three months: 96 EUR
Extension for more than three months: 93 EUR
§§ Sections 18, 18a, 18b Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Residence Act - AufenthG)
Residence permit for skilled workers
§ Section 19c (1) of the Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Residence Act - AufenthG)
Residence permit for experienced professionals
§ Section 6 Ordinance on the Employment of Foreign Nationals (Employment Ordinance - BeschV)
Residence permit for experienced professionals
§ Section 16d (1), (4), (5) of the Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Residence Act - AufenthG)
Residence permit for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications
§ Section 16d (3) of the Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Residence Act - AufenthG)
Residence permit for the recognition partnership
§ Section 21 Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Residence Act - AufenthG)
Residence permit for self-employment
§ Section 19c (1) of the Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Residence Act - AufenthG)
Special regulation for nursing assistants
§ Section 22a Ordinance on the Employment of Foreign Nationals (Employment Ordinance - BeschV)
Special regulation for nursing assistants
§ Section 19c (1) of the Act on the Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Residence Act - AufenthG)
Special regulation for professional drivers
§ Section 24a Ordinance on the Employment of Foreign Nationals (Employment Ordinance - BeschV)
Special regulation for professional drivers
§ Section 26 (2) Ordinance on the Employment of Foreign Nationals (Employment Ordinance - BeschV)
Western Balkans regulation
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Administrative court action
Federal Employment Agency - Preliminary approval
You can find the so-called declaration on the employment relationship, including any necessary supplementary sheets, on the website of the Federal Employment Agency.
Temporary stays
Telephone availability:
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 13:30 - 15:00