Pawnbroking business; application for a license
If you want to work commercially as a pawnbroker or pawnbroker, you need a license.
Stand: 18.01.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
The pawnbroker grants a loan of money against the deposit of a pledge to secure the loan together with interest and the costs of business operations.
The pawnbroker brokers pawn transactions by granting an advance on pawns handed over to him/her and pledging the pawns in his/her name with a pawnbroker.
Anyone wishing to operate the business of a pawnbroker or pawnbroker requires the permission of the competent authority. The permit may be subject to conditions if this is necessary to protect the general public or the pledger.
In the case of partnerships (e.g. OHG, KG), the trader is each managing partner. In the case of legal entities (e.g. GmbH, AG), the permit is granted to the legal entity.
If you want to work as a pawnbroker, you must provide special securities and evidence.
- You must provide evidence of the necessary funds or collateral for the first six months. This can be a credit balance or a bank guarantee.
- You must also take out insurance against fire damage, water damage, burglary and robbery and present it when submitting your application. A safe must be available for jewelry.
- You must secure your premises against burglary with an alarm system.
- In the case of car pawnbroking, the question of possible environmental hazards caused by the parking areas of the vehicles must be clarified.
Permission will be refused if:
- Facts justify the assumption that the applicant does not possess the reliability required for the commercial operation.
As a rule, anyone who has been convicted of a felony, theft, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, breach of trust, forgery of documents, receiving stolen goods, usury or an offense against the Unfair Competition Act in the five years prior to submitting the application does not have this reliability. - The applicant does not provide evidence of the funds required for the business or corresponding securities.
You must apply to the competent authority for a license to operate a business as a pawnbroker or pawnbroker.
After the examination, you will either receive the permit or a notice of refusal. A permit may be subject to certain conditions.
The pawnbroker must notify the competent authority which rooms he/she uses for the business operation at the start of the business operation; furthermore, he/she must immediately notify any change of rooms used for the business operation.
The pawnbroker is obliged to keep records.
You must apply for the permit before starting your business. You are only entitled to exercise the trade after the permit has been issued.
- The following documents may be required:
- Personalausweis oder eines vergleichbaren Identifikationspapiers (Kopie)
- Nicht-EU-Bürger: Aufenthaltstitel (Kopie)
- Nachweis zur unternehmerischen Rechtsform
- Unternehmenssitz in Deutschland:
- bei eingetragenen Unternehmen: Handelsregisterauszug und gegebenenfalls eine Ausfertigung des Gesellschaftsvertrages (z. B. bei einer Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (GbR))
- Unternehmenssitz im Ausland: Dokumente aus diesem Land, die die Rechtsform nachweisen.
- Unternehmenssitz in Deutschland:
- Nachweis der persönlichen Zuverlässigkeit
- Wohnsitz in Deutschland:
- Führungszeugnis
- Auszug aus dem Gewerbezentralregister für natürliche und ggf. juristische Person
- Wohnsitz im Ausland: Dokumente aus Ihrem Heimatland, die nachweisen, dass Sie die persönliche Zuverlässigkeit zur Ausübung der gewünschten Dienstleistung besitzen
- Die Behörde kann Einzelfall weitere Dokumente anfordern, die geeignet sind, eine Aussage über Ihre persönliche Zuverlässigkeit als Antragsteller zu treffen.
- Wohnsitz in Deutschland:
- Nachweis der für den Betrieb erforderlichen Mittel und Sicherheiten
- Wohnsitz in Deutschland:
- Auszug aus dem Schuldnerverzeichnis
- Auskunft aus dem Insolvenzverzeichnis
- Wohnsitz im Ausland: Dokumente aus Ihrem Heimatland als Nachweis, dass Sie über die erforderlichen Mittel und Sicherheiten verfügen
- Wohnsitz in Deutschland:
- Versicherungsnachweis
- Grundriss der für den Gewerbebetrieb vorgesehenen Räume
Processing of restaurant law
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.
Availability by telephone:
Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday to Thursday: 08:00 - 15:30
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00