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Social department store Erlangen

Anyone looking for good and inexpensive items for their household can shop at the Sozialkaufhaus Erlangen. The showrooms offer a wide range of products. Here you will find everything for the different areas of your home, e.g. kitchen equipment, office furniture, sofas, closets, household goods, kitchen appliances, tables, chairs, washing machines, refrigerators and electric stoves.

If you still can't find what you're looking for straight away, check back often. Because our range is constantly changing. We provide you with an overview of current offers on a weekly basis. Click here for the offers.

Delivery is possible in the Erlangen city area for an additional charge.

Find out more about the Erlangen social department store here

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Cafe Hergricht

Café Hergricht is a bicycle repair shop with a self-service café, located directly at platform 1 of Erlangen railroad station. Bicycle auctions are organized regularly.

Representation of a notebook and several hands.
Unemployment benefit II, ALG II, SGB II, SGB 2, Hartz 4, Hartz IV, New application, Application for further authorization, WBA, Online applications, Forms, Online, alg 2, Contact form, Citizen's income

Jobcenter: digital services

Here you will find all the digital services we offer. The range is constantly being expanded.

Representation of different euro bills
Job center, Financial assistance, Unemployment benefit II, ALG II, SGB II, SGB 2, Hartz 4, Hartz IV, New application, Application for further authorization, WBA, application, Citizen's income

Jobcenter: Information on the Citizen's Income

On this page you will find all the important information, applications and forms for Citizen's Income


Participate in climate protection

What offers are there in Erlangen for climate protection and sustainability? What is already being done? And where can you get involved? Here you will find tips for your climate protection commitment.

City of Erlangen_Bird's-eye view
Page, Job center, Unemployment benefit II, Citizen's income, Unemployed, SGB II, SGB 2, Hartz IV, Hartz 4, Job search, Apprenticeship search, Job search, Financial aid, Career, Job offer, Study, Pratikum, Education, Job

Erlangen Job Center

Information about the Erlangen Job Center. Orientation.education.future for our Erlangen citizens

Electronic waste, Small electrical appliances, Large electrical appliances, Electrical appliances, Collection container, Container, Garbage, Waste, Environment, Climate protection, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Environmental protection, Energy saving lamps, Coffee machines, Bulky waste, Waste transfer station, Waste transfer station, Social department store, Exchange market, Energy consulting, Climate emergency, Residual waste garbage can, Waste garbage can, Waste garbage can, Sustainability, recycle, Recycling

Dispose of electrical appliances correctly

Dispose of your old electrical appliances correctly and do your bit for the environment and climate protection. .

Shake hands

Jobcenter: Job and apprenticeship search

On this page you will find all the information on how we can support you in your search for a job.

Contact us

Social department store Erlangen


Alfred-Wegener-Straße 11
91052 Erlangen


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