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Participate in climate protection

Stand: 01.08.2024

What offers are there in Erlangen for climate protection and sustainability? What is already being done? And where can you get involved? Here you will find tips for your climate protection commitment.

Whether you are a climate protection enthusiast or just want to find out more about climate protection, there are plenty of practical tips here to make your everyday life more sustainable. From simple behavioral changes in the household to environmentally friendly means of transport, resource conservation and recycling - this advice can easily be integrated into your life. Thanks to innovative projects, committed initiatives and a wide range of sustainable events, Erlangen offers plenty of opportunities to get active yourself. Because climate protection doesn't have to be complicated!

Still have questions?
Take a look at our FAQ!

Renewable energies made easy:

Climate-friendly to yourdestination:

  • Free public transport: Since January 1, 2024, you can use public transport in Erlangen city center free of charge. You no longer need to buy a ticket, you can simply hop on. You can find more information here.
  • To encourage people to switch from private cars to other means of transport, there are mobility points in the city of Erlangen where car sharing (and other means of transport) can be used.
  • Cargo bikes: Cargo bikes can be borrowed from the city of Erlangen free of charge for up to 3 days.
  • Bike repair: Problems with your bike? And no tools? Or no place to repair it? And no idea how to do it or what's broken? The E-Werk bike workshop will help you. Don't feel like doing it yourself? At Café Hergricht next to the station, you can relax and have a coffee while your bike is being repaired.
  • Carpooling opportunities: Carpooling and ridesharing in and around Erlangen are available either from the Mitfahrzentrale or ask your employer about uryde.


  • Regional and seasonal tastes better: In the direct marketer brochure you will find suppliers of regional food and products in and around Erlangen.
  • Too good for the garbage can? At various food sharing locations in Erlangen and in the Teilerei, you can get food at a reasonable price and save it from the garbage can.
  • Eating vegan: Finding vegan restaurants is sometimes not so easy: The Vegan Guide for Middle Franconia shows you where you can eat vegan food
  • Want to lend a hand yourself? At Zunkunftsacker there are lots of workshops on gardening and climate-friendly cultivation methods.
  • Organic? Logical! Here you can find organic and regional products in Erlangen: www.erlangen.de/biostadt

Consumption/ Shopping:

Greening and climate adaptation:

  • The perfect place for a tree: do you know it? Report it to the tree radar and the city will check whether a tree can be planted there.

Get active yourself:

  • Your own climate protection project: The city's climate budget funding program subsidizes non-profit climate protection projects with up to €5,000.
  • Find and share climate projects: Climate connect is a platform for climate protection projects in Erlangen - to join in or find like-minded people.
  • At the Erlangen Sustainability Advisory Board forums, you can get involved in various topics relating to climate protection and sustainability.
  • Experience sustainability: The Sustainability Action Program is a calendar with many activities relating to sustainability in Erlangen.
  • Are you already doing a lot for climate protection yourself, or would you like to start? Then sign the city contract and show that you are also part of the climate awakening.
  • Would you like to offset your unavoidable CO2 emissions? If you donate to the climate fund of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region, your contribution will support climate protection projects in the region.


  • Where to put the cigarette butt? Simply put it in the ashtray to-go: available free of charge from the city of Erlangen.
  • What to do with old cooking oil? Put it in the waste oil collection machines. The old fat is processed here and provides climate-friendly fuel.
  • Sustainable diapers: Conventional disposable diapers produce a lot of waste. For this reason, the city of Erlangen supports the purchase of new and used cloth diaper systems (overpants, cloth diapers, washable inserts, diaper fleece) with a subsidy.

Is an Erlangen climate protection offer missing from our list? Please let us know at klima@stadt.erlangen.de.

Questions and answers

Further topics

Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Climate resolution, Climate change, Climate target, Climate emergency, Departure, Research, Climate awakening, Climate protection

Climate awakening

With Climate Awakening, Erlangen is on its way to climate neutrality. Find out which measures are to be implemented and what you can do personally here.

Climate, Climate protection, Promotion, Support program, Subsidy, Photovoltaic system, Bicycle, Climate protection project, Climate budget

Funding programs in the area of climate protection

Whether it's a photovoltaic system on the roof, a new bicycle trailer or your own climate protection project - the city of Erlangen supports you in protecting the climate with various funding programs.


Environmental education in Erlangen

Environmental education plays an important role in Erlangen. Here you can find out all about the various programs and initiatives.

Energy, Consulting, Promotion, Refurbishment, Sustainable, Building

Energy consulting

Is my house, balcony or garage suitable for a photovoltaic system? What are the advantages of an energy-efficient renovation? What do I need to consider when replacing my heating system? How can I make my new build as sustainable as possible? How can I get funding?

Page, Waste, Garbage, Environment, Waste management, Bulky waste, Sustainability, Climate, Climate target, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Waste garbage can, Waste calendar, Waste guide, ReCup, Bulky waste collection, Dispose of old CD, CD, Yellow bag, Green garbage can, bottle bank, Glass container

Garbage, waste & recycling

Much of what ends up as waste can be recycled. The prerequisite for this is consistent waste separation. You can find out everything else you need to know about waste and recycling in Erlangen on this page.

Climate Protection and Sustainability Department


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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