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Diplom-Verwaltungswirt*in (FH)

Preparatory service for entry into the third qualification level of the administration and finance career path of the non-technical administrative service specialization

Do you want to actively shape your personal future as well as the future of the city of Erlangen?

If you have an interest in public tasks and a special sense of responsibility towards our society, if you enjoy dealing with economic contexts, if legal and administrative issues arouse your curiosity, but if dealing with people is also important to you, then you can start an interesting and varied future with a dual course of study to become a Diplom-Verwaltungswirt*in (FH).

During your studies, you will get to know many of the exciting challenges facing the administration of Bavaria's smallest city, the city of Erlangen. You will solve demanding management tasks and implement them efficiently as a representative of the city of Erlangen.

Depending on your area of work, you will perform a high level of processing, deal with complex issues, control work processes, but also take care of the concerns of our citizens and provide advisory services. If, in addition to your enthusiasm for your work, you also have a high level of commitment and social skills, you may later have the opportunity to lead your own team or department. In a nutshell, the course will enable you to take on qualified clerical work through to management tasks in middle and senior management in administration.

An attractive, challenging and varied career awaits you. - For me. For us. For Erlangen.

Apply now!

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FAQ's Dual study program - Diplom-Verwaltungswirt*in

Contact us

Human Resources Development Department - Training Team


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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Freitag: 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr