People from different countries

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Further offers & advice

Language courses

Logo German Adult Education Center
Adult education, Educational counseling, Education, Further training, Integration courses, Language courses

Integration language courses of the DEB

The Deutsches Erwachsenen-Bildungswerk (DEB) and its subsidiaries are one of the largest educational institutions in Germany specializing in training and professional development in the health and social sector.

vhs Erlangen, Integration, Learn German

Language and integration courses

The Erlangen Adult Education Center offers language and integration courses for people from other countries.


two women sit opposite each other and talk

Refugee and integration counseling

It offers advice and support for migrants in Erlangen. The focus is on promoting integration and providing guidance for new immigrants in our city.

Young people with smartphones

Youth migration service

The Youth Migration Service offers support and help for children and young people with a refugee or migrant background.

Families, children and youth

Person with tattoos
Volunteering, the companions, Godfather, Educational sponsorship, Educational sponsor, Children and young people, Education, School

the companions. The educational mentoring program

Volunteer educational mentors support pupils from Erlangen. They support and accompany children and young people in school challenges and in their development.

Municipal language support


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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Dienstag: 08:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 08:00 - 13:00 Uhr