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Building Culture Prize

Stand: 29.05.2024

Honor for special buildings.

The award can be given to buildings that stand out in terms of their urban integration and their

  • from an ecological point of view
  • architectural design
  • open space design and
  • from the point of view of climate protection

have rendered outstanding services. They must also be particularly suitable for the location.

As a reflection of the

  • political
  • social
  • cultural and
  • economic history

buildings shape the appearance and image of a city. They also have an identity-forming effect. In line with the changing framework conditions and tasks, the image of the city is constantly changing and the process of identity formation is never complete.

In addition to preserving the architectural heritage, it is therefore an urgent task for a city to raise public awareness of high-quality new, contemporary architecture that blends into the established context or reinterprets or accentuates it.

The aim is to award prizes for exemplary solutions to building tasks using contemporary architecture that are characterized not only by aesthetic, but also by ecological and economic sustainability.

Plaque Building Culture Award Erlangen


City of Erlangen Planning and Building Department
Management Baukunstbeirat

PHONE: 09131/86-10 68
FAX: 09131/86 10 35
EMAIL: baukulturpreis@stadt.erlangen.de

Post: Rathausplatz 1 - 91052 Erlangen
Office: Gebbertstraße 1, 2nd floor, room 222
91052 Erlangen
Web: http://www.erlangen.de

Building Culture Prize

Rectangular 3D bronze plaque

Building Culture Award Erlangen 2022

The award honors buildings that have made a special contribution in terms of their urban integration, ecological ecological aspects, architectural and open space design and climate protection, and which also stand out for their and from the point of view of climate protection.

Light sunshine on the town hall in the morning, with a tree on the left

Building Culture Prize 2024

We are looking for the best buildings in the city of Erlangen from the last two years. The call goes out to all architects and clients.