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Dispose of printer cartridges & toner cartridges correctly

Stand: 28.05.2024

Toner cartridges and printer cartridges are easy to recycle and should therefore not be disposed of with the residual waste. On this page you will find the collection points in Erlangen and other options for disposal. Dispose of and recycle your printer and toner cartridges correctly and make your contribution to environmental and climate protection.

Collect your empty ink and toner cartridges and return them to the retailer. Certain cartridges are even refunded. For more information, visit www.geldfuermuell.de.

Collection points in Erlangen

  • Caritas Erlangen, Mozartstraße 29, Erlangen, Tel. 09131-88 56 - 0 , www.caritasbox.de
  • Media Markt GmbH, Frauenauracher Straße 108, Erlangen, Tel. 90 53 - 0
  • MOTIVA DV-Support GmbH, Am Weichselgarten 23, Erlangen, Tel: 7777-23
  • Weingarten PC-Service GmbH, Nürnberger Straße 88, Erlangen, Tel. 35035
  • OZ-Toner Oliver Zwornik, Berliner Platz 3, Tel. 92 44 372, Email: info@oz-toner.de
  • Kath. Pfarramt Sankt Bonifaz , Sieboldstraße 1, Erlangen, Tel. 2 21 12
  • Saturn (Media-Saturn), Nürnberger Straße 7, Erlangen, Tel. 88 78 - 0

The list is not exhaustive.
Status: March 2021

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Garbage, waste & recycling

Much of what ends up as waste can be recycled. The prerequisite for this is consistent waste separation. You can find out everything else you need to know about waste and recycling in Erlangen on this page.

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Waste transfer station at the port

The waste transfer station at the port belongs to the ZVA (Zweckverband Abfallwirtschaft Erlangen/Erlangen-Höchstadt). The special-purpose association under public law collects all waste for recycling/disposal as well as special waste, such as electrical appliances.

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Dispose of electrical appliances correctly

Dispose of your old electrical appliances correctly and do your bit for the environment and climate protection. Collection containers for the disposal of small electrical appliances are available at 69 locations. Larger appliances can be disposed of with bulky waste or at the waste transfer station at the harbor. You can dispose of appliances that are still in working order at Erlangen's give-away exchange or social department store, for example.

Man holding old CDs.
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Dispose of old CDs & DVDs correctly

On this page you can find out why and where you can dispose of your old CDs and DVDs. Dispose of and recycle your CDs correctly and do your bit for the environment and climate protection.

Circular Economy and Waste Consulting Department


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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