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Recommendations for companies, employees

Stand: 27.06.2024

Time and again, employees complain about high temperatures at their workplaces, especially during heatwaves in the summer months.

Exemplary measures if the air temperature in the room exceeds +30 °C in accordance with the risk assessment:

  • Effective control of sun protection (e.g. keep blinds closed even after working hours)
  • Effective control of ventilation systems (e.g. night-time cooling)
  • Reduction of internal thermal loads (e.g. only operate electrical appliances when required)
  • Ventilation in the early hours of the morning
  • Use of flexitime regulations to shift working hours
  • Relaxation of clothing regulations
  • Definition of additional cooling phases
  • Use of fans (e.g. table, floor, tower or ceiling fans)

What can employees do?

  • Measure the temperature at your workplace if you think it is too hot.
    Note on air temperature in accordance with Technical Rule for Workplaces A3.5 No. 4.1 (6):
    The air temperature is measured at a height of 0.6 m above the floor for seated work and 1.1 m for standing work.
    standing work with a thermometer protected against heat radiation in °Celsius

  • If the temperature reaches more than +26°C during working hours, contact your employer or supervisor

  • Also inform the works council, which has co-determination and initiative rights with regard to occupational health and safety.
    rights of co-determination and initiative with regard to occupational health and safety

  • Ask your company doctor or safety specialist for advice

  • Suggest that the topic be discussed in the health and safety committee

  • In addition: wear light, preferably not tight-fitting clothing made of heat- and moisture-permeable materials.
    moisture-permeable materials

  • Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, but avoid sweetened and alcoholic drinks as well as too much coffee and black tea.

Source: Bayer. State Office for Health and Food Safety

Read also:

Baby lies on the stomach

Recommendations for schools, daycare centers, parents

Babies and children are particularly vulnerable to heat and high UV radiation due to their delicate skin and lower sweat production. They also generate more metabolic heat during physical activity than adults, which promotes heat-related complaints. In addition, babies and small children cannot take any protective measures themselves. It is therefore all the more important that parents and guardians know how to protect their children:

A woman in a wheelchair is pushed, on a green meadow

Recommendations for older people

Older and especially very old people have an increased risk of developing heat-related health problems. However, heat can also be dangerous for other risk groups, such as people with dementia, chronic illnesses or immobile people, including babies.

Office for Sport and Health Promotion

Head of office: Ulrich Klement


Fahrstraße 18
91054 Erlangen


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