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Recommendations for schools, daycare centers, parents

Stand: 28.05.2024

Babies and children are particularly vulnerable to heat and high UV radiation due to their delicate skin and lower sweat production. They also generate more metabolic heat during physical activity than adults, which promotes heat-related complaints. In addition, babies and small children cannot take any protective measures themselves. It is therefore all the more important that parents and guardians know how to protect their children:

Babies and (small) children

  • Make absolutely sure that the child drinks enough

  • Never expose children under the age of one directly to the sun

  • Toddlers up to the age of four should avoid the intense midday sun between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and stay in the shade or - even better - indoors during this time. This not only protects them from the heat, but also from UV radiation

  • Plan outdoor activities in the cooler morning and evening hours

  • Choose shady spots where possible and always wear sun-friendly clothing, even in the shade

  • Wear headgear, sunglasses and sun cream with a sun protection factor of at least 30.
    Apply this 30 minutes before going outside

  • Adequate sun protection is particularly important when spending time in and around water:
    Water reflects UV radiation and therefore intensifies it. Children should therefore always reapply sunscreen after splashing around. Caution: The duration of protection indicated by the SPF is not extended by reapplying sunscreen, but only maintained

  • It can quickly become extremely hot in a parked car. Under no circumstances should children be left in a parked car
    left in a parked car, as this can be life-threatening for them

  • Children can cool off with water while playing. Important:
    Children should never be left unattended when splashing around with water

  • If possible, keep them in the coolest room in the house - even at night. It is best to keep babies or small children in the coolest
    room in the home and not too warmly clothed or covered up.


Avoid intense sun:

  • Use the "UV index" for information on the daily risk of sunburn
  • Avoid reddening of the skin and sunburn at all costs
  • Point out shady school playgrounds to pupils
  • Move school sports and outdoor activities to the morning hours or indoors when the sun is strong

Clothing is the best protection:

  • Headgear such as a hat, cap or scarf - ideally with ear and neck protection
  • Airy clothing that covers the shoulders and sometimes also the arms and legs
  • Shoes that also protect the back of your feet
  • Sunglasses with UV protection (labeled DIN EN ISO 12312-1 and UV 400)

Sun cream for uncovered areas of skin

  • Pupils come to school already covered in sunscreen and with their own sunscreen
  • Sun protection factor 30 (high), UVA and UVB protection
  • Waterproof and fragrance-free
  • Apply a thick layer and reapply regularly

Read also:

Carpentry work.

Recommendations for companies, employees

Time and again, employees complain about high temperatures at their workplaces, especially during heatwaves in the summer months.

A woman in a wheelchair is pushed, on a green meadow

Recommendations for older people

Older and especially very old people have an increased risk of developing heat-related health problems. However, heat can also be dangerous for other risk groups, such as people with dementia, chronic illnesses or immobile people, including babies.

Office for Sport and Health Promotion

Head of office: Ulrich Klement


Fahrstraße 18
91054 Erlangen


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