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Drainage statutes

Stand: 28.05.2024

Statutes for the public drainage system of the City of Erlangen (Drainage Statutes - EWS) dated 03.11.2014 in the version dated 29.09.2022 and plan of the scope of application for Section 1 (1) (c) of the Statutes for the public drainage system of the City of Erlangen (Drainage Statutes - EWS) dated 05.07.2017

§ 1 Public facility
§ 2 Definition of property, obligated parties
§ 3 Definitions
§ 4 Right of connection and use
§ 5 Obligation to connect and use
§ 6 Exemption from the obligation to connect or use
§ 7 Special agreements
§ 8 Property connection
§ 9 Property drainage system
§ 10 Approval of the property drainage system
§ 11 Construction and testing of the site drainage system
§ 12 Monitoring
§ 13 Decommissioning of drainage systems on the property
§ 14 Discharging into the sewers
§ 15 Prohibition of discharge, discharge conditions
§ 16 Separators
§ 17 Examination of the wastewater
§ 18 Liability
§ 19 Use of the property
§ 20 Right of access
§ 21 Administrative offenses
§ 22 Orders for individual cases; coercive measures
§ 23 Deviations
§ 24 Entry into force

Scope of application for § 1 Para. 1 Letter c of the statutes for the public drainage system of the City of Erlangen (drainage statutes - EWS)

You can find the contribution and fee statutes for the drainage statutes of the City of Erlangen here: Drainage fee statute

If you have any questions, please contact the Building Supervisory Office.

pdf, 281 KB

Drainage statutes

Satzung für die öffentliche Entwässerungsanlage der Stadt Erlangen (Entwässerungssatzung - EWS) vom 03.11.2014 i. d. F. vom 29.09.2022
pdf, 178 KB

Drainage statutes - plan

Geltungsbereich zu § 1 Abs. 1 Buchstabe c der Satzung für die öffentliche Entwässerungsanlage der Stadt Erlangen (Entwässerungssatzung - EWS) vom 05.07.2017

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

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Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00