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City as a whole

Stand: 24.01.2025

As a forum for dialog, you can present your concerns directly to the Lord Mayor and the city administration at citizens' meetings.

Around 115,000 people live in the city of Erlangen. Enabling citizen participation is an important goal of the city of Erlangen. In addition to the legally required annual citizens' assembly for the entire city, additional citizens' assemblies are held in the 17 citizens' assembly areas.

All ideas, wishes and suggestions for improvement are welcome - whether it's about the daycare center, bus connections or shopping facilities. Shaping our town together with you - that's what we want to do when we talk to you.

You can always send your concerns and questions in advance in writing to the City of Erlangen, Mayor's and Press Office, Rathausplatz 1, 91052 Erlangen. Alternatively, you can also send an e-mail to: buergerversammlung@stadt.erlangen.de

Do you have a disability and therefore need special support, a sign language interpreter, an induction system or similar? No problem. Get in touch with us as soon as possible. We will make sure that you can take part in our event without any difficulties. Contact us by e-mail: buergerversammlung@stadt.erlangen.de.

Minutes of the citizens' meetings and all projects in the entire city area


Minutes of the citizens' meeting of the entire city on November 19, 2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.


Minutes of the citizens' meeting of the entire city on November 22, 2023

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.


Minutes of the digital citizens' meeting of March 21, 2023

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.


Minutes of the citizens' meeting of the entire city on October 25, 2022

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

Additional individual appointments