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Port regulations

Stand: 28.05.2024

Ordinance on the use of the parallel port of the city of Erlangen on the Main-Danube Canal (port regulations) dated 11.05.2016

§ 1.01 Scope of application
§ 1.02 Validity of other regulations
§ 1.03 Port authority
§ 1.04 Exercise of sovereign tasks
§ 1.05 Notices
§ 2.01 Definition of terms
§ 2.02 General behavior in the port area
§ 2.03 Behavior in case of danger, assistance and other incidents l
§ 2.04 Responsibility of the skipper(s)
§ 2.05 Permission to enter the port
§ 2.06 Overcrowding of the port
§ 2.07 Registration and deregistration
§ 2.08 Entering the vessels and floating facilities by persons on official business
§ 2.09 Other use of the port waters
§ 2.10 Keeping the port clean
§ 2.11 Behavior in case of fire hazard
§ 2.12 Removal of sunken vehicles and objects
§ 2.13 Traffic disturbing facilities
§ 2.14 Unauthorized cargo ships
§ 2.15 Orders, permits
§ 3.01 Behavior in the port
§ 3.02 Pushing traffic
§ 3.03 Allocation of berths
§ 3.04 Mooring and anchoring
§ 3.05 Mooring of passenger ships for the purpose of embarking and disembarking passengers
§ 3.06 Manning and guarding of vessels
§ 3.07 Mooring operations
§ 3.08 Docking of vessels
§ 3.09 Use of the propeller on moored vessels
§ 3.10 Safety regulations against fire hazards on board
§ 3.11 Safety regulations against fire hazards ashore
§ 3.12 Reporting special incidents
§ 3.13 Restriction of stay
§ 3.14 Self-supply with fuel
§ 3.15 Use of port facilities
§ 3.16 Removal of disturbing objects
§ 3.17 Storage of goods
§ 4.01 Staying in the port area
§ 4.02 Exclusion of public use
§ 4.03 Special behavior in the port area
§ 4.04 Laying out and securing jetties
§ 4.05 Mooring
§ 4.06 Mooring regulations
§ 4.07 Pushing and supply vessels in the port
§ 4.08 Loading and unloading
§ 4.09 Cargo handling regulations
§ 4.10 Control of rats and vermin
§ 4.11 Behavior on railroad facilities
§ 4.12 Railway operations
§ 4.13 Road vehicle operation
§ 4.14 Keeping the port area clean
§ 4.15 Special regulations
§ 5.01 Exceptions
§ 5.02 Administrative offenses
§ 5.03 Entry into force

If you have any questions, please contact the Citizens' Office, Department of Public Safety and Order.

pdf, 376 KB

Port regulations

Verordnung über die Benutzung des Parallelhafens der Stadt Erlangen am Main-Donau-Kanal (Hafenordnung) vom 11.05.2016
pdf, 1 MB

Port regulations - Site plan

Anlage zur Hafenordnung der Stadt Erlangen

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00