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Store closing time Dechsendorf

Stand: 28.05.2024

Ordinance on the closing of stores on Sundays and public holidays in the Dechsendorf district of the city of Erlangen dated 12.07.1978

§ 1
§ 2
§ 3

The ordinance of the City of Erlangen on the release of additional sales Sundays and on the closing of stores on the occasion of markets, trade fairs or similar events and on Sunday sales on December 24 can be found here: Closing of stores on Sundays

If you have any questions, please contact the Citizens' Office, Department of Public Safety and Order.

pdf, 127 KB

Store closing time Dechsendorf

Verordnung über den Ladenschluss an Sonn- und Feiertagen im Ortsteil Dechsendorf der Stadt Erlangen vom 12.07.1978

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00