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Minutes of the Eltersdorf citizens' meeting on October 12, 2022

Stand: 28.05.2024

The following minutes are also kept as documentation of this citizens' meeting. Motions and resolutions from the city council/committees as well as subsequent responses from the specialist departments are regularly entered. By clicking on the underlined keywords (also recognizable by the blue square with the arrow pointing upwards to the left), e.g. "Request" or "Reply", a new tab will open, which will take you to the desired information. Open requests that have not yet been highlighted have either not yet been dealt with by the City Council / committee or are still being examined by the specialist department.

Mayor Jörg Volleth welcomes the citizens present to the "Eltersdorf" citizens' assembly and then refers to the general, usual rules.
Furthermore, the mayor welcomes the members of the city council and the employees of the city administration, introduces those present on the podium and explains their respective areas of responsibility.
Furthermore, Mayor Jörg Volleth reports that, according to the provisions of the municipal code (Art. 18 GO), recommendations and concerns from the citizens must be dealt with within three months by the city council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
At 8:05 pm, he gives the floor to the citizens for their requests and applications.

1. expansion of the cycle path through Eltersdorf

Cycle paths only exist on one side and the crossings are very dangerous.

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
Reference is made to the resolution of the Environment Transport and Planning Committee of 18.1.2022 (agenda item 12).

2. reduction of the traffic load

(Heavy goods) traffic through Eltersdorf has increased in recent years.

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
Reference is made to the resolution of the Environment Transport and Planning Committee of 17.5.2022 (agenda item 16). Furthermore, an invitation is extended to the information event "Plans and projects for the future of Eltersdorf" on 22.10.2022.

3. crosswalk at Edigienplatz

There is no marked crosswalk (crosswalk) at Egidienplatz.

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
Reference is made to the resolution of the Environment Transport and Planning Committee of 23.2.2021 (agenda item 15).

4. information on local advisory council meetings

Where do citizens receive information about local advisory council meetings?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
All information on the local advisory council meetings is posted in the Erlangen council information system.

5. traffic congestion measures Egidienplatz

Is there a timetable for when the traffic-calming measures on Egidienplatz will be implemented? This should actually take place with the planning of the bypass, which is now not to be built.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
As the implementation of the bypass has turned out to be very unlikely, the state road (Eltersdorf through road) is now to be shifted to the highway. The city of Erlangen is still waiting for feedback from the government of Middle Franconia. The city of Erlangen can only start planning the traffic-reducing measures once the government has given its approval.

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
The agreements between the Government of Middle Franconia, the State Building Authority and the City of Erlangen are expected to be completed by spring 2023. However, the planning of the Egidienplatz square is still ongoing.

6. greening of the A73 freeway slope between Weinstraße / Pechmannstraße

The freeway slope is insufficiently greened. As no feedback was received from the highway authorities, it was suggested that an initiative be set up.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The highway directorate is responsible for this area. A promise is made to approachthe highway authority.

7. greening of the "Mausloch" highway

According to the site manager of the highway directorate, the highway directorate has offered the city of Erlangen a greening in the area of the Mausloch / Weinstraße, but the city of Erlangen has rejected this offer.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
A review and response will be assured.

8. local supply center

Is there a timetable for implementation? Has a food retailer already been chosen? What other possible uses apart from a food retailer and a café will be located here? The traffic circle will worsen rather than improve the volume of traffic.

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
Reference is made to the resolution of the Environment Transport and Planning Committee of 20.9.2022 (agenda item 21). The publication will take place as part of the information event "Plans and projects for the future of Eltersdorf" on 22.10.2022. Following the event, citizens can obtain information from the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility until 4.11.2022. This will be followed by further formal steps in the development plan process. Two full-range retailers are being discussed for the local supermarket. The traffic circle will lead to a reduction in speed.

9. one-sided road closure on Egidienstraße

In Egidienstraße (at the level of the Sparkasse), part of the road has been closed for almost two years due to an old barn. When will this closure be lifted?

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
Securing the barn is necessary due to road safety. The building inspectorate is dependent on the cooperation of the owners, as the city of Erlangen cannot easily enforce a substitute measure. A concrete answer is assured.

10. district house Eltersdorf

What is the current status of the construction of the district house in Eltersdorf?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The municipal treasury of the city of Erlangen had to cancel the planning and construction of the Eltersdorf district house in the budget for the time being, as the construction costs are rising more and more. Four measures that have not yet started construction have been canceled. In addition, the bicycle parking garage at the main train station, the bicycle parking garage at the Siemens Campus and the fire station in Dechsendorf had to be canceled. However, the parliamentary groups' budget discussions have not yet been concluded. The budget will be finally adopted by the City Council in January 2023.

11 Eltersdorf elementary school

What is the current status regarding the renovation of the elementary school in Eltersdorf?

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
Eltersdorf elementary school is on the list of the school renovation program.

12. traffic violations on Langenaustraße

People regularly drive too fast in Langenaustraße (30 km/h zone). Traffic monitoring (morning and evening) is requested.

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
The city of Erlangen will commission the municipal traffic monitoring department to arrange traffic measurements in Langenaustraße. In addition, the markings of the 30 zone will be checked.

13. building Der Beck Egidienplatz

The citizens complain about the "Der Beck" building, which was built differently from the three versions presented.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
An invitation to tender or an urban planning competition has no binding effect.

Head of the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility, Mr. Lohse:
It is offered to take a look at the planning of the "Der Beck building". Reference is again made to the information event on 22.10.2022.

14. noise barrier with PV systems

It is proposed to use the noise barrier in the area of Eltersdorfer Straße (east and west parallel to the A3, running south) for PV systems.

Mayor, Mr. Volleth:
The highway authority is responsible for this issue. A request is promised to the highway authority.

After there were no more requests to speak, Mayor Volleth closed the citizens' assembly at 9:20 p.m. and thanked the citizens for the discussion and their commitment.

on behalf of
Mayor's Office and Press Office

Citizens' meetings

The city of Erlangen holds an annual citizens' assembly for the entire city. In addition, a citizens' assembly is offered in the various local and district areas (17 assembly areas) per legislative period. Questions and topics can be put to the chair of the meeting, Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, and to speakers in advance of and during the citizens' assemblies.


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

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