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Lively demand for climate budget

Stand: 19.06.2024

Independent projects and activities for climate protection are supported.

The city of Erlangen uses the climate budget to support its citizens in implementing climate protection projects. At the last application deadline on March 1, 32 applications were approved by the responsible district and local advisory councils at their meetings. This means that the annual funding budget of 65,000 euros is likely to be fully utilized. The applications submitted are as diverse as an urban community can be:

  • Various schools are tackling the issue of parent cabs with the help of the climate budget and organizing class competitions on climate-friendly travel to school.
  • Various greening measures are being implemented in several districts with a focus on biodiversity and climate protection.
  • Freely accessible bike service stations are to be set up at various locations to make cycling even more attractive.

Funding amounts range from 200 to 5,000 euros

Projects and ideas aimed at raising awareness and providing information about climate protection play an important role in the climate budget: "What can I do to help protect the climate?".

The funding amount ranges from 200 to 5,000 euros per project. The focus is on local commitment:

  • Erlangen residents are to be supported in initiating their own projects and activities for climate protection and thus actively helping to shape Erlangen's climate awakening.
  • The projects must be non-profit and have a positive impact on the climate or motivate other people to protect the climate.

The members of the 13 district and local advisory councils decide on funding. They also provide support if required.

The next application deadline is March 1, 2025.

(A short version of the article can be found in the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - June 2024 issue)

Read also

Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Climate resolution, Climate change, Climate target, Climate emergency, Departure, Research, Climate awakening, Climate protection

Climate awakening

With Climate Awakening, Erlangen is on its way to climate neutrality. Find out which measures are to be implemented and what you can do personally here.

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Tackling the climate budget

The application deadline for the next funding period is March 1, 2025!

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Climate, Climate budget, Climate awakening, Promotion, Subsidy

We have been funded! - Projects from the climate budget

Information events, swapping campaigns, upcycling workshops and creative hands-on climate campaigns - the citizens of Erlangen have rolled up their sleeves and implemented great climate protection projects in their neighborhoods. Thanks to Erlangen's city and district advisory councils and the climate budget, these projects were 100% financed. Find out more about the climate budget projects that have already been realized and perhaps be inspired to start your own project. Contact on request: klimabudget@stadt.erlangen.de

Climate budget area


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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