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Climate city contract: tips and tricks

Stand: 18.07.2024

Are you interested in climate tips? Would you like to visibly support Climate Awakening? Then get in touch.

From buildings, energy and mobility to nutrition and consumption, everyone can find out how well climate protection is already working. Every contribution counts, because change starts on a small scale. In the final step, everyone can decide whether they want to become part of the Climate Awakening and sign the City Contract Climate Digital. Over 80 Erlangen residents have already signed up.

What exactly is it about?

Individual commitment is important, but local institutions are also needed for long-term change. The Climate Awakening Roadmap with 41 measures for a climate-neutral Erlangen has been developed with the participation of business, science and civil society. Local companies and organizations can make visible which of the 41 measures they are working on or have already implemented in the Climate City Contract. More than 26 organizations have already joined in and are showing their climate contributions on the city's website(www.erlangen.de/mein-beitrag).

Environmental and climate protection officer Sabine Bock:

"Active action and implementation is important now - because only if every household, every institution and every company takes the path to becoming climate-neutral will the necessary changes be initiated to protect the basis of our existence and to be climate-neutral as a city as a whole. With the Climate City Contract, all citizens and stakeholders can document their own contribution and be inspired by other contributions to initiate even more activities. It depends on all of you! Help us, sign the city contract and show how you can help drive the necessary positive changes in Erlangen."

Who can take part?

So who is the city contract aimed at? On the one hand, citizens who are interested in climate tips and want to show that they support climate action. On the other hand, companies, science or other organizations that want to get fit for decarbonization and communicate this to the outside world.

Participation link:


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Studies and publications on climate protection

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Climate Protection and Sustainability Department


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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