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Studies and publications on climate protection

Stand: 28.05.2024

Here you will find all studies and publications on the subject of climate protection and climate adaptation.

Climate studies

Climate, Climate protection, Timetable, Climate awakening, Environmental protection

Roadmap Climate Awakening (2022)

How were the 41 climate protection measures for Erlangen developed and what exactly does the Climate Action Roadmap contain? Here you will find all the information about the development of the Climate Action Roadmap.

Climate, Climate awakening, Climate neutrality, Climate protection, Climate awakening, Climate target, Helping to shape Erlangen, Climate emergency

Interim report on the Climate Action Roadmap (2022)

The meetings of the stakeholder group and the citizens' council took place from March to July 2022. In several rounds of meetings, the groups worked on a viable catalog of measures to make Erlangen climate-neutral.

Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate emergency, Environment, Sustainability, Climate target

Interim report on climate adaptation (2021)

"Where are we and what else do we have planned?"

Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate emergency, Climate target, Climate, Environment, Sustainability

Climate adaptation concept (KLAK, 2020)

An integrated climate protection concept was drawn up in 2016, in which measures to reduce the city's CO2 emissions are listed. With the climate adaptation concept (KlAK), the "second pillar" of a comprehensive climate policy is now being developed in order to secure the quality of life in Erlangen in the long term.

Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate target, Climate change, Climate

"Climate emergency" baseline study (2020)

The scientifically compiled "Climate Emergency Baseline Study" is now available to the public. It was commissioned by the city of Erlangen and is intended to serve as a starting point for future measures to tackle the climate emergency.

Climate emergency, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Study, Climate target

CO2 balance (2019)

For Erlangen, climate neutrality means not emitting more CO2 emissions in the future than are sequestered in carbon reservoirs. The city of Erlangen does not have much time left for this task, as it only has a residual CO2 budget of 3.4 megatons of CO2 at its disposal. If more CO2 is emitted in Erlangen, the city will miss the 1.5°C climate target.

Climate emergency, Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Climate target

Implementation of IKSK (2020 - 2023)

The city of Erlangen's climate protection concept is intended to continue and strategically summarize the existing findings on climate protection with the participation of all stakeholders

Climate awakening, Climate awakening, Climate emergency, Climate target, Climate, Environment, Sustainability

Integrated climate protection concept (IKSK, 2016)

For the first time, such a comprehensive inventory with key figures was drawn up for climate protection in the Huguenot city, potential for further activities was analyzed and prioritized measures were identified.