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For senior citizens

Stand: 07.02.2025

Whether exhibitions, festivals, markets or sports - Erlangen offers more than just that. There are many leisure activities on offer. It's worth taking a look at our calendar of events.

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Events in focus - with the zoom:in app

Motiv für Veranstaltungskalender AppIt is THE mobile event calendar for the metropolitan region - whether it's a sports highlight, guided tour, children's afternoon, theater festival, party or open workshops. All events in the joint event calendar, which we offer together with the cities of Nuremberg, Fürth and Schwabach, are clearly displayed. More information can be found here.

Further information

Elderly couple traveling together.
Page, Senior, Age, Seniors, Care, Care place, Senior citizen, older people, Old age, senior citizens' office, senior citizen, pension, retirement, people with disabilities, disability,

Senior citizens

Service portal of the city of Erlangen for citizens on the subject of senior citizens.

An elderly couple smiles
Page, older people, Senior, Seniors, Age, Senior citizens' office, Senior citizen, Pension, Retirement, People with disabilities, Disability, Financial support, Consulting, Senior, Ü60

People in old age

Erlangen has a lot to offer for people in old age: Events, leisure and exercise opportunities or even help in crises and counseling services. Here you will find information on all aspects of ageing in Erlangen.

Elderly couple traveling together.
Page, Seniors, Seniors' Advisory Council, Advisory Board, Advisory boards, Senior citizens' office

Seniors' Advisory Council

The City of Erlangen's Senior Citizens' Advisory Council advises the City Council and the administration on all matters relating to senior citizens. It works on a voluntary, non-partisan, non-denominational and independent basis.

Department for Ageing and Generational Issues


Nägelsbachstraße 38
91052 Erlangen
