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Bird breeding season

Stand: 28.05.2024

Protection for numerous bird species: From March 1 to July 31, it is not permitted to leave the official paths in the entire nature reserve. Dog owners are also not allowed to let their dogs run free during this time.

It is easier for visitors to distinguish between the paths that are open all year round and the unofficial trails that are closed during the bird breeding season. Signs have been put up at the appropriate places for this purpose.

The Exerzierplatz nature reserve is home to numerous bird species. Depending on the species, they nest in the hedges or on the ground of the open and semi-open spaces. During the breeding season, these so-called ground nesting birds are very sensitive to disturbance. If they were regularly disturbed by passing pedestrians or stray dogs and - certainly unintentionally - startled from their nest, they would abandon their clutch. Successful reproduction would thus be impossible. Rare, even endangered bird species such as

  • woodlark
  • tree pipit or
  • yellowhammer

would not be able to form stable populations.

The city of Erlangen and the landscape conservation association ask for your understanding and compliance with the rules. This means that visitors can continue to enjoy a varied landscape with a diverse range of animals and plants in the nature reserve in the future.

Stopp-Schild Nestruhe im Naturschutzgebiet.

Also worth reading - Nature conservation in Erlangen

White icon on a pink background.
Nature conservation, Nature reserve, Brucker Lache

Brucker Lache nature reserve

Ordinance on the nature conservation area "Brucker Lache" City of Erlangen dated February 7, 1984 in the version dated September 18, 2002 and nature conservation area map for the ordinance on the nature conservation area "Brucker Lache" dated February 7, 1984

White icon on a pink background.
Nature conservation, Nature reserve, Parade ground

Parade ground nature reserve

Ordinance on the nature conservation area "Exerzierplatz" City of Erlangen dated 25.10.2023 and nature conservation area maps for the ordinance on the nature conservation area "Exerzierplatz" dated 25.10.2023