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Right of first refusal 2

Stand: 28.05.2024

Statute No. 2 of the City of Erlangen on a special right of first refusal in accordance with the Building Code dated November 29, 1989 and map of the areas with a special right of first refusal in accordance with Section 25 of the Building Code as part of the statutes of the City of Erlangen dated October 25, 1989

§ 1
§ 2
§ 3

Map of areas with special pre-emptive rights in accordance with § 25 of the German Building Code as part of the statutes of the City of Erlangen dated 25.10.1989

If you have any questions, please contact the real estate office.

pdf, 19 KB

Right of first refusal 2

Satzung Nr. 2 der Stadt Erlangen über ein besonderes Vorkaufsrecht nach dem Baugesetzbuch vom 29.11.1989
pdf, 5 MB

Right of first refusal 1 and 2 - Plan

Karte der Flächen mit besonderem Vorkaufsrecht nach § 25 des Baugesetzbuches als Bestanteil der Satzung der Stadt Erlangen vom 25.10.1989

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00