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Special-purpose association for water management in the Franconian economic region

Stand: 28.05.2024

Statutes of the Zweckverband Wasserversorgung Fränkischer Wirtschaftsraum (WFW) of 12.02.1997 in the version of 25.11.2003

§ 1 Name, legal status and registered office
§ 2 Members of the Association
§ 3 Territorial scope
§ 4 Tasks of the special-purpose association
§ 5 Statute and ordinance law
§ 6 Association-owned and other facilities, water supply
§ 6a Supply of water to supply companies outside the territorial scope of action
§ 7 Supervision
§ 8 Association bodies
§ 9 Composition of the association assembly
§ 10 Convening the association assembly
§ 11 Meetings of the association assembly
§ 12 Resolutions and elections in the association assembly
§ 13 Responsibility of the association assembly
§ 14 Requirement of qualified majorities
§ Section 15 Legal status of the association councils
§ 16 Works committee, election and course of business
§ 17 Tasks of the works committee
§ 18 Legal status of the members of the works committee
§ 19 Election of the association chairman and his deputies
§ 20 Responsibilities of the chairman of the association
§ 21 Legal status of the chairman of the association
§ 22 Daily allowances and expense allowances
§ 23 Managing director
§ 24 Participation of non-members in meetings
§ 25 General
§ 26 Budget statutes
§ 27 Raising funds for the initial construction of the association's facilities
§ 28 Contributions by members
§ 29 Contributions
§ 30 Share capital
§ 31 Interim reports
§ 32 Annual financial statements, audit
§ 33 Official announcement
§ 34 Special responsibilities of the supervisory authority
§ 35 Dissolution
§ 36 Entry into force

If you have any questions, please contact the Zweckverband Wasserversorgung Fränkischer Wirtschaftsraum (WFW) directly:

E-mail: wasserkontakt@wfw-franken.de
Telephone: 0911 8 02-01

pdf, 301 KB

Zweckverband Wasserwirtschaft Fränkischer Wirtschaftsraum - Articles of Association

Satzung des Zweckverbandes Wasserversorgung Fränkischer Wirtschaftsraum (WFW) vom 12.02.1997 i. d. F. vom 25.11.2003

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00