Contractual nature conservation program; application for a grant
The particularly nature-friendly management of ecologically valuable areas is specifically rewarded.
Stand: 05.03.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Contractual nature conservation is the hallmark of Bavaria's cooperative nature conservation policy. Farmers and other land users are specifically rewarded for the particularly nature-friendly management of ecologically valuable areas. The aim is to preserve biodiversity, primarily by implementing the Natura 2000 European network of protected areas and the Bavarian biodiversity strategy.
The contract nature conservation program promotes the careful management of ecologically valuable meadows, pastures, fields and ponds. Farmers and other land managers undertake to manage the land in accordance with nature conservation objectives for a period of five years.
Basic services such as the late mowing of a meadow or the extensive use of arable land can be combined with additional services, e.g. no use of fertilizers and pesticides or more difficult conditions (e.g. mowing with a blade mower, motor mower, moisture surcharge, etc.). This modular approach makes it possible to respond specifically to the respective habitats and the animal and plant species they contain, as well as to the requirements of the respective farms.
The funding is intended to compensate for the additional costs of nature-friendly management and the loss of income.
Those eligible to apply can submit an application for funding to the responsible Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry within the annual application period (January to February). A consultation meeting is scheduled in advance at the lower nature conservation authority, during which the appropriate measures are discussed and determined.