Transportation of dangerous goods; application for a special permit, route determination and other
In Bavaria, the StMB is responsible for the transportation of dangerous goods. Route regulations in accordance with § 35a Para. 3 Sentence 1 of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance for Road, Rail and Inland Waterways (GGVSEB) are issued by the district administrative authorities.
Stand: 04.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
The State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport is responsible for
- the granting of exemptions in accordance with § 5 Para. 1 No. 1 GGVSEB in road traffic,
- the granting of exemptions in accordance with § 5 Para. 1 No. 2 GGVSEB in rail transport for non-federally owned railroads,
- the granting of exemptions in accordance with § 5 Para. 1 No. 3 GGVSEB for inland waterway transport on navigable inland waterways that are not federal waterways,
- the issuance of general rulings on route determination in accordance with Section 35a (3) sentence 2 GGVSEB and
- the authorization to continue carriage in accordance with section of the Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
For the determination of the route for the carriage of
- flammable gases of class 2 according to § 35b table no. 2 GGVSEB and
- flammable liquids of Class 3 according to § 35b Table No. 4 GGVSEB
a general ruling was issued in Bavaria, which can be accessed under "Legal bases". The conditions of this general ruling must be complied with for the transportation in question, whereby no additional official route regulations are required.
For the transportation of all other dangerous goods for which a route determination is required in accordance with the provisions of § 35a in conjunction with § 35b GGVSEB, this route determination must be applied for from the locally competent district administrative authority before the start of transportation.
As a rule, two district administrative authorities act independently of each other upon application. The authority responsible for the place of loading determines the route between the place of loading and the highway, while the route from the highway to the place of unloading is determined by the authority responsible for the place of unloading. If a route runs through the areas of responsibility of several district administrative authorities, the competent district administrative authority shall involve the other district administrative authorities in determining the route.
The district administrative authorities are also responsible for
the determination of loading and unloading points for vehicles or large containers that are transported as a closed load in accordance with the regulation in subsection ADR,
the receipt of notification of the loading or unloading of dangerous substances and articles at a place accessible to the public outside built-up areas in accordance with section 7.5.11 CV 1 paragraph 1 letter b and chapter 8.5 S 1 paragraph 4 letter b ADR,
the granting of permission to load or unload dangerous substances and articles at a place accessible to the public within built-up areas and to receive notification of these activities in accordance with Section 7.5.11 CV 1 (1) (a) and Chapter 8.5 S 1 (4) (a) ADR and
the granting of consent for prolonged stops in the vicinity of residential areas or busy places in accordance with Chapter 8.5 S 8 sentence 2 and S 9 sentence 2 ADR.
Introduction of the implementation guidelines for dangerous goods
Road traffic and roadworks department
The city of Erlangen is not responsible for matters relating to parking tickets.
Please contact the Zweckverband Kommunale Verkehrsüberwachung für den Großraum Nürnberg.
Outside of regular opening hours, individual appointments can also be arranged on site. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.